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Helping Veterans Who Protect Us

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Note from the blogger: Jeff is an Intel recruiter who is passionate about providing job search tips and strategies to job seekers. He was one of the instructors of our recent Intel VET workshops and in this post he'll share the experience with us. Keep an eye out because Jeff will soon be a regular contributor to this blog and you can expect to hear from him more often!

Earlier this year, you heard about Intel’s Veteran’s Employment Training (VET) program to help those who are transitioning from military life to civilian life with respect to finding a job. The program is designed to train Vets who are exiting the military and match them to Intel employee mentors (also Vets) to help them transition to non-military employment.  Each month Intel holds a free three-day (mornings) workshop at the Intel Computer Clubhouse in Alexandria, VA where experts share tips and strategies on producing a resume for corporate and/or government positions, as well as networking, interviewing tips and actual mock interviews. We’re in the midst of getting ready for our next workshop that starts on Monday, February 6, 2012.

So what can you expect from a workshop? As an instructor, I enjoy an interactive group, more than simply giving a lecture.  These Veterans arrived ready to engage in a dialogue.  They asked great questions, and we really did a deep dive on what works and what doesn’t in a job search. But don’t just take it from me, here are some comments from last month’s sessions:

  • “Thank you for providing the opportunity to learn the proper format when creating a resume.”

  • “Thank you for giving me tips to be more prepared at this and build more confidence for the next interview!”

  • “Today's workshop is by far the best and most helpful workshop I've been to.”

The workshop is truly meant to help those who are transitioning from the military to civilian life: From learning how to translate the military jargon to corporate “Buzzwords” that will get your resume noticed to getting personal time with corporate recruiters and other experts on what we look for in job applicants.  This  workshop has been getting great reviews.

If you have recently transitioned from the military, are about to, or you know someone who is, tell them about the workshop! For more details or to register, visit our site! Registration closes on Friday, February 3rd, 2012 and is limited to 15 students, so sign up soon!