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How Surya Prekke Finds Meaning in His Work at Intel

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Today we are profiling another one of our incredible employees in Intel India. Surya Prekke was the youngest and fastest person to achieve the title of Principle Engineer at Intel India, and he is now managing a System on a Chip (SOC) development team. He graduated from the India Institute of Technology, Bombay with a Masters in Microelectronics in 2002 and joined Intel right after graduating. Surya spoke to us about his accomplishments, what gets him excited about his job, and how he manages to turn adversity into opportunity.


“Ever since I joined Intel, I have always been given the space to explore my capabilities and realize my complete potential on every project I have worked on. Of course, I did not always see success followed by success; I had my shares of failures as well. The first project that I worked on actually failed, but at Intel, that did not stop us from moving forward and turning our setbacks into motivation to work even harder. Thanks to that culture, we’ve been able to keep innovating and finding new ways to succeed in the lessons we’ve learned.

“I have always been passionate about the work and projects I take up. Currently, I am working on a project which holds tremendous meaning for me. This is the first time that a project of its kind has been defined and executed out of India. Traditionally, these kinds of projects are executed out of the U.S., but this was special for all of us at Intel India. We are working full steam on executing and completing the project so we can show the capabilities of all of the incredible people here at Intel India, and personally, I continue to learn new things every day while managing the team on this project.


“Speaking of the people here, Intel invests in people a lot more compared to our peers that I have researched. Technical and non-technical training is given importance and made a priority. People at Intel are truly amazing. I have observed that people have confidence in themselves and accord value to the work that their colleagues bring to the table. We don’t stress on hierarchy. It has always been about merit and the work that one shares. It really gives you the freedom to open up and work towards a collective goal. Outside of work, my interest lies in rhythm and percussion.”

­­­Interested in starting a new career journey at Intel? Click here to see what Intel India has to offer for college graduates and interns and to read profiles about some of our other amazing employees.
About the Author
We make the impossible possible and empower millions around the world through great technology, good corporate citizenship, and inclusive culture. We are Intel, and these are our stories.