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How to Find Your Next Job (A Recruiter's Perspective) (Part 2)

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Hi again! So a few weeks ago I started sharing part one on my perspective on the best things a candidate should, and shouldn’t do, to help them in their job search. Ready for part two?

Here’s the next ‘No-No’ in my book: Do NOT apply for every single job posted at every employer. It makes you appear to be a ‘Jack Of All Trades, Master of None’. No, seriously; it does. This is where it is helpful to have your target list. Know what you are good at. Know what you want to do. Seek out those opportunities. If you are a little flexible, fine. Apply for various things… but maybe not 500 different things.

Next, be persistent, but not annoying. At a company like Intel, it’s not the norm for us to find a candidate, interview them in two days, make an offer and have them ready to go in a weeks time. Hiring takes time. There are many people involved in the process. Be patient with us. It’s worth the wait; I assure you! Yes, it is totally acceptable to follow up for feedback on your application… just not EVERY single hour of every single day. YES, there are people who have done that (cue loud ***sigh***).

My next tip is this: Be positive and patient. I think this one is fairly obvious. I won’t go into any of my horror stories, although that may have made this post a little more exciting!

You want to know about job boards? I actually got an inquiry just the other day from a candidate wondering if there was value in posting his resume on a Monster , CareerBuilder or DICE *, etc. Every employer is likely using a different mix of these tools. Often, it will depend a LOT on their budget. These tools aren’t free OR cheap to the employer. My advice to the candidate was simple. Are looking for a new position? Why not help your odds by posting your profile in as many places as possible. Job boards are not irrelevant. They are still being used. Granted, search techniques used by the experienced recruiter tend to take us in many other directions than just a job board, but I still look. You never know what you may find.

There is just so much a person can do with all of the web resources available these days. I guess my final thought would be around networking. After all, it is all about the networking. I owe every one of my jobs to my network. I was rarely looking for a position when I landed my next great gig. Shoot, even when I first joined Intel back in 2000 I literally had ZERO recruiting experience. I just happened to “know a guy” who was working at Intel, and he knew my personality and work ethic. I even told him no when he first approached me about it. He was persistent though, and eventually convinced me to interview for the job. He coached me on how to pass the phone screen (because let’s face it… I was very “green” in this aspect at the time). Sure enough, I landed the job, and it was the best career decision I have ever made. Who knows where I’d be now had I not made a good impression on this guy so many years ago!

Also, it doesn’t hurt to build relationships outside of your “comfort zone”. Sure, I know TONS of people in HR and Staffing at Intel. I also have a slew of recruiter contacts outside the company. I value them all as part of my network. Does that mean I plan to stay in my current role forever? It’s doubtful. It doesn’t mean I plan to leave the company either though. I actually like working here. I am, however, always looking for chances to build my existing network.

Here’s a summary of all the tips I shared with you THIS week (visit my first post to get the full story):

• Do NOT apply for every single job posted at every employer

• Be persistent – but not annoying

• Be positive and patient

• Post your profile in as many places as possible (job boards are not irrelevant)

• Network, network, network!

You just never know where your next opportunity will come from. It may take you by surprise. Work hard. Make solid contacts. Keep a pulse on what is going on around you, and, who knows; maybe your next phone call will be from me, trying to entice you to join the Intel ‘fold’! Happy job hunting!