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In Their Own Words: Intel Intern Juan Lopez Marcano Shares His Story

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Juan Lopez Marcano was an Intel Scholar with the Platform Engineering group during the summer of 2015. He is currently earning a Master’s Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

If I could describe my experience at Intel in one word, I would simply call it “extraordinary.” I did development for one of the architecture teams that owns a really cool product, so I had the opportunity to work on things that matter and affect millions of users. I also liked that I found a couple of mentors: people who have given me advice and have helped me sketch a roadmap I can follow to get to where I want to be.

My favorite thing about interning for Intel is that I had the chance to meet people who are really pushing technology forward. I met people working on wearables, facial recognition, Internet of Things, and more. In fact, before my internship, I didn’t know that Intel made a wheelchair for Stephen Hawking. But I got the chance to have an hour-long conversation with two of the people who made this wheelchair. In short, if there’s a cool tech project out there, Intel is most likely working on it.

Lastly, I really enjoyed Portland. There are countless hiking trails to explore, and amazing places to visit all around the Portland area. It helped that Intel hosted many events, so that all the interns could meet up and have fun.

Just extraordinary!

-by Juan Lopez Marcano
About the Author
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