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Innovators and Leaders in the Making: Meet Intel Intern Dajah Lasenberry

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Our interns share stories of personal growth and inspiration.

IMG_6876-1.jpg “I have always been proud of being a black female who is a part of the LGBT community, but in certain environments I felt the need to conform. Being at Intel has shown me that the company really does care about diversity and inclusion.”

If someone told me as a kid that I would work for one of the most influential tech companies at age 22, I wouldn’t have believed them! I was born and raised in New Jersey in a single-parent household. Because my mom wanted a better life for me and my sister, she insisted we go to college. I am about to enter my last year at Tuskegee University, an HBCU in the middle of Alabama, as a Computer Science major. Being an Intel HBCU Scholar has opened so many doors for me. I relocated from humid Alabama to arid Arizona, where I intern as a software engineer under the Lead Process Test Program Development Team. I’ve learned so much throughout this summer’s internship.

The one piece of advice that I’d give to other interns is—don’t be afraid to ask questions.

When you’re surrounded by so many intelligent people, it can be intimidating to admit that you don’t know something, but a simple question can open up an abundant amount of information for you. I’ve learned that while not everyone has all the information, with a team you can get an endless amount of information and education.

Being at Intel has given me a sense of welcoming that I haven’t felt at as an intern at other companies. I was a part of Intel’s IGLOBE pride month promo shoot, which was awesome! This summer has definitely been eye-opening, and I’m so glad that I decided to join Intel.


Learn more about our internship opportunities here.
About the Author
We make the impossible possible and empower millions around the world through great technology, good corporate citizenship, and inclusive culture. We are Intel, and these are our stories.