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Innovators and Leaders in the Making: Meet Intel Intern Madison Ethington

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Our interns share stories of personal growth and inspiration.

Madison_intern.jpg “Leslie Knope said it best when she said: “Slowing down is really not my jam” and I have no intention of hitting the brakes.”

I have always loved being creative—I loved playing the piano so much that I went to school for it. While I was in love with the idea, music wasn’t the correct medium for me. I started my second year at college as a mechanical engineering major. At first I struggled to get on-track, but I determined to build a successful career. I started working at a small machine shop and picked up a handful of incredibly helpful skills that helped me land my internship at Intel.

I try to use my outside perspective as an advantage to find wasteful practices that veterans of a company tend to overlook. While trying to tackle this project, I’ve learned:

  1. Not everyone is going to want to help you until the project becomes important to them.

  2. Exploring every possible solution will eventually lead to one that works.

  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

If there was one thing I could impart to students, it would be that the jobs and internships that are the most formidable are the ones where you’ll grow most as a contributor to a team—learning to thrive in those positions is invaluable.

Working at Intel has been a challenge but nothing I wouldn’t ask for again. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to continue my internship through the school year, because I will continue to grow with Intel and learn new ways for me to contribute.

Learn more about our internship opportunities here.
About the Author
We make the impossible possible and empower millions around the world through great technology, good corporate citizenship, and inclusive culture. We are Intel, and these are our stories.