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Inspired by Change

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Have you ever been so heads down in a project that you're passionate about that when you look up, months have passed, seasons have changed and you have no idea where it all went? That's how I feel. It has been a long, long, long, time since I have blogged (or anyone has blogged) and I'm truly sorry about that. With our new CEO coming in 6 months ago, we knew change was coming and over the past two months, it's caught up with us.

What kind of change, you ask? You've probably seen the news about Intel Tablets, the announcements around Intel Custom Foundry, the creation of new partnerships and our first-ever Intel Experience Stores popping up, but that's just the start. We're changing the way we tell stories and share our impact, that's why I've been MIA.

For over forty years, we've created technology that has impacted lives all over the world. What's more inspiring than the technology we've created is what people are doing with Intel technology, and the people behind creating the technology. We'll be exploring and sharing the incredible people who are creating and using Intel technology to do amazing things. In the meantime, here are some inspiring examples that we've found so far.

Meet Jack. Jack, 15, invented a method to detect cancer faster, more accurately and less expensive than the medical standard and was the winner of the 2012 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.


Girl Rising. If you haven't seen it, you're missing out on an inspirational film sharing the personal stories of young women (superheroes in my opinion) who have overcome challenges for one reason: to educate themselves. It's a must-see.


Both of these examples have inspired us and shown us the impact that Intel has in the world. Stay tuned for more. Until then, share your stories about what inspires you, using #lookinside.