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Intel Employees: Ode to Sejal

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Note from the editor: On the 20th anniversary of the Jobs at Intel website, it's only fitting you hear from the person who created, and still owns, our career site, and our guest blogger today: Teresa, the Web Product snad Services Manager for Intel’s Talent Enabling Solutions team aka the magic behind our online employer presence. You last heard from Teresa as she gave a special tribute to one of our teammates. I feel a little strange introducing Teresa's post because, well, it's about me. It’s with mixed emotions that I share, mostly excitement with a cup of fear and a smidge of sadness—I’m leaving Intel. Today is my last day in the office as I embark on a new journey. I have this thirst to see the world and the time has come for me to follow that thirst.  I’m not certain what the future holds in store for me, but I’m taking a leap of faith (or sail of trust?) to see what’s out there. First up: a cross-Atlantic journey on a boat from Israel to the Bahamas. I’ll miss my Intel family (yes, family—what else do you call a bunch of fun-loving, hard-working, incredibly smart and caring people?) but I know that the friendships and relationships that have been cultivated in the cubes and over calls are ones that extend far beyond the workplace. Intel will always hold a special place in my heart and life—and before I get too sappy, I could always be back! But enough from me, Teresa wanted me to share this with all of you.

We often find ourselves at a cross roads.  Opportunities open and decisions are made that changes our path and brings new adventures to explore.  In our work-life, our team mates become family, and here at Intel our family is large and diverse.  Soon we will be saying goodbye to a very special member of the Jobs@Intel blog family.  Sejal Patel has been the leader of this blog since we started many years ago. She has been our Social Media strategist extraordinaire – taking the Intel Talent team into the world wide social stratosphere with gusto.  But now Sejal has found an opportunity too great and too exciting to pass up and will be leaving Intel for new adventures.

Change is a part of every work environment and at Intel change is consistent.  We change projects, managers, jobs, work teams, even our careers but always with the knowledge that at Intel you have the support and trust to take the risks change always brings.  Even leaving Intel to explore new opportunities is valued within our company as our culture values the individual.  To grow sometimes means leaving.

sejal_doodleSejal started at Intel a little bit over 5 years ago.  She and I began working together almost from her first day.  She brought a breath of fresh perspective and fabulous new ideas.  She has never lacked for enthusiasm.  Sejal has made friends with almost everyone she has met – which when I write this sounds like a cliché.  But with her it is absolutely true.  Her zest for life and learning is palpable. She wants to know you, know your family, your kids, your favorite meal, your best moments and she supports you when you need help or when you just need a sounding board.  She has done this with all of her Intel family and has been a wonderful co-worker.   From her love of cupcakes, to her travel stories, her beloved Canada and her weird Hockey obsession, Sejal spreads fun all over.  There is no task she wouldn’t tackle.  No problem she wouldn’t try to fix.  Intel’s a “great place to work” value is probably a personal slogan for her.  I wouldn’t be surprised if she tattooed it on her arm.

Last time I wrote on this blog was to say goodbye to another team mate.  Seems to be my subject expertise.  But in Sejal’s case it seems most appropriate since this blog has been built with Sejal’s leadership and vision.  She has coached bloggers and helped create an editorial direction.  We will continue with what she has built and hope we can prove to her we are worthy to care for what she created.

Working and growing a career sometimes means you have to change course.  Intel is the kind of place where you feel empowered to make changes in your career. Sejal is off on a new adventure that will take her far away but her Intel family will be cheering for her.  We’ll live her adventure through the inevitable Facebook posts, Instagram photos, Vine videos and through her texts and calls back home.

Bon voyage Sejal! Go catch the boat. I’ll never eat a cupcake without thinking of you. I promise to take good care of what you started. I will pay it forward.  I’ll be cheering for you and secretly hope you find your way back to Intel.

Be well, laugh lots, have fun and keep sharing your joy with everyone you meet. Thank you for everything you have done to make Intel better, to make our team stronger and for your commitment to your friends and to your extended Intel family.