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Intel Events: SWE was incredible, here we come AISES!

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On my flight to Orlando last week, I could feel the excitement among all of the other Intel women, who happened to be on the same flight, about attending the upcoming Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Conference. This was my first time attending this event and it just so happened that they were celebrating their 60th year anniversary, so it was extra special! Approximately 100 Intel women attended this year’s conference and it was full of energized technical females who were both looking for jobs with the many companies that were there, and looking to improve their interviewing and professional skills by taking advantage of the plethora of classes that were available to them over the course of 4 days.

dinnerDay 1 (Wednesday): Intel held a 4-hour “Strategic Thinking” workshop for its employees, which got rave reviews. And, afterwards, an ‘Intel Only’ dinner was hosted at the Baterby’s Art Auction Gallery.It was great to be part of the small, intimate group and hear some compelling keynote speeches from female Intel leaders such as Nora Lin (President, SWE), Barbara Haney (Process Engineer, Intel Technology Manufacturing Group), and Rosalind Hudnell (Director, Intel Global Diversity). It was also a great opportunity for us to celebrate the success of our colleagues, Jill Sciarappo and Anisha Ladha, who were recognized by SWE with the Emerging Leader Awardin the Sales and Marketing category (Jill) and Safety Health and Environment category (Anisha). Congratulations Jill and Anisha!! Day one was definitely a day of learning, fun and celebration!

Day 2 (Thursday): The second day was full of class offerings for all of the conference attendees, including three Intel-led classes on topics such as; “They’re just not that into you; Insights from recruiting and hiring managers”, “The Imposter Syndrome Panel”, and “Feedback: How to Give It, Get It, and Benefit from It”. The class on feedback was of great interest to the women as it was a packed house with standing room only! There was also a speed networking session offered that afternoon, very similar to speed dating, where each company had several representatives there to talk with attendees for 10 minutes each. After 10 minutes they would rotate to the next company representative and so on.

boothThursday evening kicked off the career fair at the Orange County Convention Center where each company’s booth was setup to attract top talent. (And, I must say that I think our booth looked the best out of all of them, but then again, I am a bit partial ) Unfortunately, I came down with the flu Thursday afternoon and was unable to attend the career fair that evening or on Friday, but luckily I was able to get a sneak peek of the booth set up on Wednesday! (Thanks to my colleague, Josh, for being gracious enough to capture some great photos!!)

Day 3 (Friday) and Day 4 (Saturday):I’m bummed I can’t report back on day 3 and day 4, but maybe I’ll be able to go next year and get the full conference experience! From what I heard from my teammates, the career fair was a big success and we were able to meet and interview some great technical female candidates! Our recruiting folks will be following up and making offers to some of them and they will hopefully be joining our team of Rockstars!

Our next stop is in Albuquerque, New Mexico from November 11th -13th for the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference!

Intel representatives will be on hand for this 3 day jam-packed event that includes keynotes by leading industry experts, an Intel led workshop, cultural heritage events, and a career fair. We are thrilled to be a sponsor of AISES and are looking forward to meeting conference attendees. Our representatives are looking for BS, MS and PhD students with backgrounds in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Construction Management, Industrial Engineering, Material Science, Mathematics & Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics and more! Be sure to stop by our booth and say hi and follow us @Intel_Diversityfor updates!