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Intel Poland: Opportunities in Visual and Parallel Processing

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Our site in Poland is one of the biggest in Europe with a wide scope of activities on the R&D front.

Technologies invented in Gdansk can be found in many Intel devices all around the world. Solutions created by best quality engineers contribute to the great success of our company. We have several teams in Gdansk which work in Intel’s Research & Development. One of them is the Visual and Parallel Processing Group, VPG.

Visual and Parallel Processing Group in Gdansk (Poland)'s main objective is to design, implement and validate the 3D graphic drivers for GPU integrated with Intel’s processors. They provide software to drivers according to Direct3D® and OpenGL standards for operational systems: Windows®and Linux. Members of VPG team are very experienced in terms of code optimization, efficiency compilers construction and parallel programming – we simply hire the best!

Łukasz has moved from Warsaw to Gdansk to join a team of the best specialists in the field. Check out how he is doing in this new place!

Lukasz-1024x678.jpgI’m Łukasz. I come from a small, beautiful town named Lubawa placed on Warmia lands. I studied at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. Previously I worked in Warsaw, for 2.5 years, and before that in Bydgoszcz. I’ve been with Intel for a year now and was hired as a Graphics Software Engineer where I’m responsible for enabling graphic driver on x86 architecture on Android* OS.

1.     What do you like the most in Intel-Gdańsk?

Definitely people I work with. They are always open-minded, with great ideas, solutions and huge sense of humor, looking for a possibility – not for an excuse. And eventually best specialists in their jobs as software developers or architects.

2.     Have you felt any difference between Tricity and your former place of residence?

Well, my previous place of work was Warsaw, which is very different than Tricity; not only in terms of access to seashore. Long story short: Intel’s location is great if you don’t need or want to live in the center of the city, like I do.

3.     Why have you decided to work in Gdańsk branch of Intel?

Graphics plus Android were always interesting topics for me. Having the opportunity to work with that on a daily basis was a tempting idea. Also, I always liked Gdansk - I have a family here which I was visiting during vacations in my childhood, so I have only good memories associated with this city.

4.     Did you have any concerns about coming to Gdańsk?

Well, the same as coming to any other town, except that I knew it a bit, which made things even easier. I had concerns whether I’ll manage to keep up at work, but as mentioned earlier, great people and great work place made it possible.

5.     What do you like the most in your job?

I like that I do a real job, and I am not being disturbed with activities not strictly related to my job. Also, working with latest technologies and tools makes this job almost a dream job

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