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Intel Student Center: Resume Tips for Students—and Other Job Seekers

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At Intel, we get a lot of requests for feedback on resumes. While we can't respond to each and every individual request, I wanted to share some of my best tips with everyone—feel free to pass them on!

1. Have a clear objective or summary statement so the reader knows what type of position you're seeking. Intern or full-time? Hardware or software? Customer-facing or internal-focused? Don't expect the recruiter to be your job counselor. Find out what the company is looking for, and make sure your resume includes that data.

2. Use keywords. Technical or functional words are used to search or filter resumes from our database. We can't carefully consider the thousands of resumes that come in, but the right keywords will get your resume directly to my desktop. Hint: the keywords are usually right there in the position description.

3. Use your resume to show results, not simply a laundry list of tasks. This will separate you from the crowd! If you want to stand out, show that you perform more work, faster, and at a higher quality. Did you train others? Were you a team lead? Did you get promoted? What would your boss/teammates/professors say about you?

4. Include relevant projects or courses, as well as your overall G.P.A. Hiring managers want to know the depth and breadth of your background, as well as your areas of focus.

5. Include volunteer/unpaid/community work. You can speak to skills you've gained and ways you've contributed—even if you weren't paid.

Use these tips, and you're much more likely to be found—and land an interview.

Good luck!

For more student career tips, please join us in the Intel Student Lounge Group on LinkedIn.
About the Author
Jeff Dunn is a Campus Relations Manager for Intel Corporation. He has over 20 years of corporate recruiting experience. Jeff received his Bachelor's degree at UC Berkeley. He is a Past President of the Sacramento Area Human Resource Association. Jeff frequently speaks in the media and the community about effective job search strategies.