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Intel Technology Poland: Development in Sales

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We are still growing! Our site in Gdansk is developing at a fast pace which means there are lots of opportunities for motivated employees.  While R&D is a main component of the Poland site, we have a lot of interesting divisions which play an important role in our global scope of activities. One of them is our Online Sales Group, OSG.

Online Sales Group is responsible for enlisting new clients, extending sales range and optimisation of existing distribution channels. Employees are taking care of building and maintaining relations with corporate customers – this includes a deep understanding of customer needs. OSG is a cultural mixture of people from different parts of the world who have chosen Gdansk as a place to live and work.

One of its members is Paulo – a Brazilian citizen who decided to join our team. Let’s take a closer look at his job and hear about his experience as a newbie in Poland. What surprised him in Poland? What is the biggest challenge of living in a new country?


My name is Paulo, and I am originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil. My family is split between German and Italian descendants and I moved to Europe 7 years ago.

I started working at Intel in Gdansk in 2010 and was working on the piloting stages of the Online Sales Center which is now fully operational.

What do you like the most in Intel-Gdansk?

As I am part of Sales and Marketing, Intel-Gdansk offers me a different angle to provide my customers with the support they need.

It is important to understand processes in place and to be able to identify key internal contacts to help me with my sales and marketing efforts. Some technologies I talk to my customers about are developed here, in Intel Gdansk. We are now in the process of developing a smart resource networking so our customers can take advantage of the resources we offer them with.

What are the cultural differences ?

Being originally from Brazil and having spent a considerable amount of time in the UK, I can say that Polish culture is very much like the Brazilian culture. By highlighting that, I don’t mean to say that you’re ‘fanatic’ about football or even Carnival (just kidding – there’s more to Brazil than JUST that!!). The whole family union approach to life is very similar as well as religious beliefs, etc.

One difficulty I have to mention is with the language! I suppose I am not the first foreigner raising this as Polish itself is very difficult to learn (at least in my eyes…)

Having said that, one may think that my experience in Gdansk has been dreadful, however I have been pleasantly surprised with the hospitality of the Polish and their willingness to help when it comes to the language/communication barrier. From the nice lady at the supermarket counter (teaching me how to say ‘plastic bag’) to the younger generation that speaks a good level of English, I can say that the language itself has become a detail (an important one, but not the monster I thought it was!).

Why have you decided to work in Polish branch of Intel?

Intel is a great company to work for and I saw this opportunity as a great step towards my career development goals as well as an exciting chance to experience a bit of the Polish culture.

What did you think about Poland before you came here? Did you have any concerns about coming to Gdansk?

As I previously mentioned, I was quite skeptical about my experience with locals in regards to the communication barrier. Having lived in the UK for some time, I have a lot of Polish friends so my expectations were not high or low, they were simply neutral.

What do you like the most in your job?

I guess that being part of a dynamic team is key. Every day is different, every customer is different and being able to apply that and to dynamically adapt myself to different scenarios, is something I am appreciating more and more as far as customer relationship engagements are concerned.

Interested in joining us? Check jobs opportunities in Poland! Apply here