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Intel VET: Mentoring Veterans

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Along with the Intel Veteran’s Employment Training (Intel® VET) program, Intel launched an eMentor program, which matches veterans who attend the workshop with a veteran who works at Intel and who understands how to transition from civilian to military life. More than 400 Intel veterans have signed up to be mentors and here is what a few of them have to say about the program:

Oliver, Finance Manager, Intel Technology Manufacturing Group:

  • What made you want to be a mentor? When I first heard of the program I got really excited and I knew I had to jump in and help. One reason is- the Army has made me who I am today. My experience has impacted the way I lead, manage and think. I am third generation Army and spend my entire youth traveling the world with my parents as they moved around- so I was raised by the Army as well serving myself. Secondly, I liked the fact I could help those who would go through military transition just as I and other members of my family had done (Father: 28 year Vet, Grandfather: WWII). Most of all, this is a way to give back to the community I care very deeply for and we all owe so much to.

  • What do you hope to get out of it? Like I mentioned, this is a time to give back. If I can successfully take some of the friction out of the transition process for one service member- what else could I ask for? But I also know that whenever you interact with the quality individuals that make up our armed services you can’t help but have your life changed for the better as well.

  • Is there anything specific you hope to share with your mentee to help them during the transition process? Transition is tough- that is a given. I want them to know many of us are here to support them with passion and conviction. There is an entire alumni network out there that has also experienced military service. We know the outstanding life skills, leadership skills and amazing ability to get the job done, how lucky we are to bring you into our work places and our communities. Help is out there. I hope to leverage my contacts both within Intel and external to provide the best advice I can, to be someone they can confide in and help with the both the tactical and strategic aspects of transition.

Damon, Core IT, Intel Audit Group:

  • What made you want to be a mentor? I will volunteer anytime something comes to me to help a veteran. Anything I can do to help, I want to do it.

  • What do you hope to get out of it? I hope to lend any help that is needed. I am not getting anything out of it, I just want to help veterans be successful in life. I used to work for the VA and I would love to continue helping veterans my whole life.

  • Is there anything specific you hope to share with your mentee to help them during the transition process? I have nothing to share but my experiences from when I got out of the Air Force, and what I have learned as far as how our skills transfer over to the public sector. I can help on resume building as well as interviewing skills.

Robert, Manager, Intel Marketing Development Business Intelligence Group:

  • What made you want to be a mentor? When we (me/wife/young son) left active duty, the only support network we had were our families (unfortunately they lived in Illinois and we ended up in California). Fortunately, my first job in the private sector (Deloitte Haskins & Sells) was with a firm whose local Partners were themselves ex-military. They helped with the transition in terms of cultural differences/norms, how to dress (sounds silly, but at least in my case it was necessary), etc. Not everybody leaving active duty was as lucky as me. While part of the military, you do not generally realize that it is a community (almost a family) with a sense of shared sacrifice, experience and belonging. Once it is gone, you suddenly are no longer part of that community and nothing like it exists in the private sector. People/families cope with this in different ways. Anything we can do to aid in this transition seems to be a good thing to me.

  • What do you hope to get out of it? To be honest, not really looking to get anything out of it myself. See above.

  • Is there anything specific you hope to share with your mentee to help them during the transition process? Never underestimate the value of the things experienced and leadership opportunities given you while on active duty. From my perspective, the world has more managers, with associated big egos, than it really needs. Conversely, there are precious few, real leaders. If your experience somewhat paralleled mine, you know how to lead and follow without any of it going to your head. While it is not your place to judge, you certainly can sit back and see the world perhaps more clearly than those who do not share your experience.

The mentors play a key role in the training that’s offered to the Vets as it gives attendees a mentor to lean on for support, ask questions and share information with. For more information on the Intel VET program and on how to register for an upcoming workshop, go to the Intel VET website. Registration deadline for the next workshop is April 6th. Seats are limited, so register now!