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Intel ranks in Global Top 25 for Developing Leaders!

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TCFL bugAlthough I’ve been working at Intel for nine+ years, I accepted a new position in the company just four months ago as a Marketing Communications Specialist for Intel’s Global Diversity and Inclusion organization. One of my responsibilities now is managing the lists and awards that Intel applies for in support of our vision to be the high tech leader in diversity. Still being somewhat new in my role, I’m especially proud to write about one of the most important recognitions we’ve received, at least within the past four months. For the first time, Intel has been named one of Fortune Magazine’s* World's Best Companies for Leaders. Intel ranked number 23 on the list and was one of the few tech companies to make the cut.

I’m grateful that Intel remains committed to building leaders, because it means there are numerous programs that employees, such as me, have the opportunity to take advantage of. One such program offers two or three year international assignments. This allows employees the opportunity to gain cross-geographic experience and can open new doors. Another way Intel develops leaders is the requirement that every Intel employee (including CEO Paul Otellini ) create an Individual Development Plan (IDP), which maps out personal development goals for the year. Then you review your IDP with your manager quarterly to ensure you have the right tools and guidance to meet your goals and progress year after year . One of the goals on one of my recent IDP’s was to complete both my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification at the same time as pursing my Masters Degree in Information Systems and Management. It was hard work, especially while also working full time, but with a lot of perseverance and discipline I did it!

Another reason why I think Intel deserved this recognition is because of the learning opportunities we have through our Corporate Learning and Development organization. As such, we follow the 70/20/10 methodology which focuses on the key aspects of ‘Experience/Connect/Learn’. Seventy percent of development is finding the right opportunities to gain experience such as job rotation, an increase in job scope or a sabbaticalcoverage. Twenty percent comes from connecting with people such as coaches, mentors and peers, and 10% of development is through learning with formal courses and reading books and articles.

I, personally, have taken advantage of the mentoring and networking opportunities and think they have been extremely important development aids in my career at Intel. I have had several coaches who have played an integral role in my successes and guiding me in the right direction for career enhancement. The best advice one of my coaches gave me is to network and build relationships with as many people as you can and to never burn bridges with those you work with and know in life. You never know when you may be working directly with some of these individuals and/or when you may need to call upon one of them for a favor.

I’ve never been as proud of working for a company as I have while working for Intel. If you want to be employed by a high-tech company who grooms its employees for leadership, promotes from within, challenges its employees to think outside-of-the box and to take informed risks, and offers great benefits, Intel is the company for you!