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Interview with Olga Kiseleva, Program Manager

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How did you start your Intel journey?

Honestly, I did not get a job the first time I applied at Intel. I probably did not have enough knowledge or even self-confidence to pass this interview successfully. However, I was so determined to get there that I started to develop my skills. After one year of hard work, I finally landed my dream job. The interview went smoothly and I was happy to get a desired intern position.

I've been lucky to participate in many projects during my time here. I started my career as a tester for Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel® DAAL) for big data processing, continued as a developer for Intel ADL for autonomous driving and then returned to Intel® DAAL, where I recently took on the role of program manager. My mission is to do everything possible for the library to be released on time and to deliver the highest quality product.

 What is your team doing?

I am working in one of the most popular areas in IT—big data analytics. Our team goal is to develop algorithms of classic machine learning optimized for Intel architectures.

Seamless interaction with three programming languages (C++, Java, Python) and with the wide range of operating systems (Linux, Windows, and Mac OS) is the main advantage of Intel® DAAL. We also integrate this library into popular frameworks, such as scikit-learn, Spark, H20, and many others.

Intel® DAAL is awesome because it’s accurate and fast; it facilitates development of high-performance user applications.

Three reasons why it is interesting to work at Intel?

  • It is important for me to realize that the company I work for adheres to the highest standards of coding. I believe that is why Intel is highly recognized all over the world.

  • Intel gives opportunities for my personal and professional development. At Intel, we love to generate new ideas, and it's really interesting to work on a wide range of tasks. Day-to-day work with colleagues from across the globe helps to explore a different culture. For me, this is an opportunity to travel while staying at the office.

  • I like that Intel culture fosters informal communication. We love to debate about work problems during coffee breaks. This way of interacting helps to overcome communication gaps and streamline our work processes.

 What are your hobbies?

I am studying towards a Master’s degree, so I have almost no time for hobbies. I still do plenty of sports, because it helps me keep inner balance and harmony.  Even when I am swamped with studies and work, I am always open to something new.

How did your opinion about the company evolve over the years?

Like for many other students, Intel seemed to be unattainable. It turns out that any product is the result of hard work by thousands of people every day. However, I am convinced that every completed project, hard decision made, or issue solved moves us one step closer to our goals.

I am confident that you need to be fully engaged in your job every day. Here at Intel we believe that everyone contributing is what makes a big impact.


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About the Author
We make the impossible possible and empower millions around the world through great technology, good corporate citizenship, and inclusive culture. We are Intel, and these are our stories.