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Journal of my Journey: My metamorphosis from a student to an Intern to an RCG (Chapter 2)

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Voila... ... I’m back!!! Remember where we left off? Last time we talked, in my previous blog post], I shared my excitement on getting my internship offer! ? Going back to the day right before my start-date, I couldn’t even fall asleep. I was so excited about my first day working at Intel Malaysia: I was going to report for duty at the world’s largest semiconductor company (and this was not part of my IMAGINATION!)

I woke up early in the morning, before the sunrise, I was struggling with the question of “Which attire should I opt for, for the first day of my career?” After a long while, I decided to go with formal attire, including a blazer. (Soon, you’ll hear how I later “regretted” what I wore ).

As the clock passed seven in the morning on that fine day, I kick-started my “Mr. Bean” style vehicle, and quickly rushed to the designated car park location to catch a "shuttle coach" (an Intel provided shuttle to take employees from the parking lot to the building) that would take me to the venue I needed to go to for registration. To my surprise when I got to the building I needed to get to, I saw many people were already waiting there. I figured they were mostly new hires reporting in, just like me! Before I realized it, I had just missed the shuttle. The shuttle coach was packed and I knew I would probably be late if I were to wait for the next shuttle. Immediately, I made up my mind to start walking from the place I was (i.e., Shinca Car Park) to the "PG-9 Building". Luckily, the map provided by Intel was easy to understand. I started walking to my destination, and was walking for a long time, until I was finally able to let out a sigh of relief as I saw a big Intel logo with “Intel U” on the PG-9 building ahead! I made a few quick steps and quickly hurried in. The crowd that was previously at the Shinca Car Park had now gathered in front of the guard post, and boy were they surprised to see me taking such deep breaths and sweating heavily. Well, never mind with what they were thinking, I could only think, “PHEW! I’m glad I finally made it! And JUST in time!”

To my astonishment, I realized there were over 30 new hires right in front of me! I was stuck in a really long queue as we collected our temporary Intel Identity Badges. At this point, I started to settle down and observe my surroundings. I noticed most of those who were reporting for their first day were wearing casual smart or semi-formal attire. And there I was, in a blazer I felt like a ‘weirdo’ all of a sudden. This is the point where I had my first Life at Intel learning experience: don’t be so formal in my attire for work.

We were escorted to the 'Into Intel Program (IIP) rooms for our New Employee Orientation (NEO) classes. I felt really happy to be in this group. There were so many new faces and I got to make lots of new friends too! Maybe I became over excited about my presence there, but before I knew it (and I still don’t know how), I lost my temporary badge. As I reported this to the program coordinator, she was really surprised. She explained to me the seriousness of this incident and that a loss of a badge would warrant a tedious full report! Immediately, she requested help from the crowd to search for my badge but the search was in vain! As a last resort, we checked with the guard again to see if anyone had turned it in to the ‘Lost and Found’. Luckily for me, thanks to an anonymous guy, my day was SAVED! Someone had found and returned my badge to the security guard post! Another PHEW (sigh of relief) for me! What a big commotion I had caused! Lesson 2: never lose your Intel badge. A lost badge results in a huge security concern along with a tedious report.

My first day of NEO was fully packed with lots of information to digest, mainly about Intel as a whole and also some specifics about Intel Malaysia. I felt happy to be in NEO, as my cool and resourceful instructors made my very first day with Intel fruitful and meaningful. Despite all the “unfortunate” events that happened to me, I picked up some good information and learned some great lessons.

After three days packed of NEO, finally the real internship experience was about to start.