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Journey of Self-Discovery: Reflections on career development as a Woman in Tech

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Meet Tuyet Le, a manager of professional development whose journey at Intel Vietnam has been shaped by her passion for making transformative changes and her willingness to embrace new opportunities.

An unshakeable tie to Intel Vietnam

My name is Tuyet and I have eight years of working experience at Intel Products Vietnam. I started out as a CAM (chip attach module) process and equipment engineer in the Assembly Department. In the last two years, I was promoted to group leader (GL) of the CAM Module. As a manager, my mission is to foster a culture where everyone feels dedicated to doing an excellent job and working together as a team to achieve remarkable results. My day-to-day tasks include designing my team’s work, providing technical guidance and coordinating with stakeholders from other modules and departments.  My team and I meet every day, and I appreciate it when they bring up topics for discussion so I can hear their ideas and opinions, provide guidance and inspire them to succeed. Outside of work, I enjoy food and traveling with my loved ones.

A project close to my heart

Back in 2021, when I had just been promoted to CAM GL, our team was assigned an extremely critical project called End of Line (EOL) Land Side Cap (LSC) attached substrate process enabling in the Intel Vietnam Assembly Test (VNAT) site to address global supply chain shortage. When I first heard about this project, I was really surprised and could not imagine how we could complete the first product qualification within one and a half months. However, things changed when we received dedicated support and collaboration from our business unit (BU) partners. We fearlessly dove into Industry LSC benchmarking to simplify tools/technology and innovate processes for continuous improvement. Finally, we did it, and this project is the fruitful result of how quickly the idea forms, how strong the innovation emerges and how fast we execute it. Not stopping at that point, we set an aggressive goal to complete a ramp-up to four products - 11Mu/year with massive tool installation in one quarter. It truly shocked me the second time when it coincided with the COVID-19 outbreak.

Again, I am grateful for and appreciate my team’s devotion, as well as the support of everyone who helped us weather the storm and figure out how to keep going. I learned a lot on that journey, including how to accept my own faults, how to steer the team through problems and how to get the whole team connected.


Learning from experience and feedback

Throughout my career development, I believe I have made the right decisions. Honestly, I did not think too much about what I was doing in the first couple of years, but one thing I tried to do was provide myself with opportunities to learn in various fields to raise my knowledge and confidence levels. I am thankful that all my managers supported me. It is not easy to step outside of one's comfort zone, but I did ask myself where I was, where I wanted to be and whether I accepted what I had currently. This encouraged me to consider and plan my next move, and the most important thing is that I wanted it and committed to it. In the end, I became a CAM manager, and throughout my two years as a manager so far, I learned that only by accepting feedback from others, whether positive or negative, can I improve.

Being brave and taking control of your development

Everyone has a different development path, such as becoming a technical contributor or a manager. Of course, there are diverse priorities, such as work, family and education… There is no perfect answer or guidance that applies to all of us, but we should not be scared to experiment. We should not wait until we feel ready or knowledgeable enough to take on a new role. If we are successful in our current role, we also have the potential to do the same in a new one. When we give ourselves a chance and commit to it, other skills will naturally emerge. Therefore, I highly recommend Marshall Goldsmith and Sally Helgesen's book, "How Women Rise," to all lovely female engineers. This is the right book at the right time for early-career orientation, and I wish I had known about this book sooner.