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Managing Magdeburg: An Investment That’s Making History

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We spoke to program manager Max Milbredt about working at our new, state-of-the-art fab manufacturing facility in Magdeburg. He talks about the impact, scope and value of this ground-breaking opportunity.


Tell us about your role at Intel.

I'm a program manager in Fab Sort Manufacturing (FSM), based in Magdeburg, Germany. That means I’m one of the people responsible for steering the overall project. We’re building a new chip manufacturing megafab site in Magdeburg. It’s one of the biggest investments in history for Germany and for Europe. I’m glad to be part of the semiconductor industry and in particular Intel; a company that is reinvigorating the European ecosystem.

I’m actually the first FSM employee at the site, with a lot of responsibility. As the program management office, we coordinate the timelines and milestones of different teams including construction, utilities such as water, electricity, gas, corporate services and tooling and equipment to ensure the fabs will be ready and operational on time and will run smoothly. We look at different timelines and ensure milestones are being met; we assess risks, coordinated tasks and get them done in a timely manner.


What is the key goal of your work?

We’re strengthening the European chip ecosystem, in which Intel already plays a huge part, in particular with our manufacturing presence in Ireland. This fab project is a central part of the entire system and can help us have a more independent supply chain and rebuild leading-edge capabilities. If you think about the collapse of the supply chain during COVID-19, this project can make European technology more independent.


What makes you proud to be part of this project?

It’s exciting to support the technological advancement of Europe, be at the forefront of the project for Intel, as well as engaging and supporting the community in the city of Magdeburg and eastern Germany more broadly. Together we can achieve a big boost to the economy. So, it’s not only a job, but being a part of the community. We’re bringing an international talent culture to Magdeburg and adding value to the city. It’s an important project for the whole region of eastern Germany and the country as a whole. I’m happy to be a part of it.

It’s a great opportunity for anyone to have a chance to work on such an exciting and significant project. As one of the first dozen people hired in Magdeburg, it’s very motivating that we’re building something to be proud of. We’re going to have a big impact on the culture within Intel with the foundry model – and have a positive impact on Magdeburg as well.


How do you find Magdeburg itself?

I was born in what was once socialist East Germany; I grew up here. But I also lived abroad in the USA and Canada and spent the last 11 years of my life in Berlin. So, for me it’s a home game. It’s a nice place with a beautiful cathedral, the river Elbe flowing right through the city, and lots of green spaces. Local dining options are positive surprises. I’m a bit of a team handball fan and Magdeburg hosts the 2022 national champions. I’ve yet to discover the hidden spots, but so far, it’s been a great experience. Magdeburg offers lots of options for everybody, even boasting an opera house and ballet.


Which of Intel’s benefits most appeal to you?

Personal learning and growth. Intel takes good care of new employees and invests in your success, which is very important. The company actively encourages people to learn new skills. I went to Ireland for three weeks of training. It was an opportunity to shadow employees in my role and learn about different processes from them.

Working here is really fascinating. People are always willing to take the time out of their busy days to help you if you need.


Ready to do more with your career? At Intel, we give you the freedom to push ideas and yourself. With once-in-a-lifetime opportunities at our new facility in Magdeburg, and growth opportunities across our business, you should join our team.


Find out more about jobs at Intel Germany.