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Meet Rahila T, Mentor at the Intel® Liftoff for AI Startups Program

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“Never underestimate the importance of continuous learning and adaptation”, the words of Rahila T, Technical Solutions Engineer at Intel, and a mentor in Intel® Liftoff program. 

We caught up with Rahila to get to know her better and where her passion for AI and assisting startups stems from.

Rahlia specializes in optimizing and accelerating AI/MLworkloads using Intel’s AI libraries and frameworks including Intel’s Optimizations for PyTorch, Tensorflow, ONNX on Intel CPUs and GPUs.

She is passionate about mentoring AI professionals, and has made tutorials, samples and has created ‘getting started’ guides as part of various projects in Intel. “My aim is to enhance AI efficiency and promote community growth”, she says. 

Rahila believes that her time at Intel has really helped her to work with the latest technology and diverse teams. This has ultimately taught her a lot about AI trends and how it's used in the real world. She believes her time at Intel has given her the necessary skills, and mindset needed to be a great mentor. 

“Being part of Intel's culture of innovation also taught me the importance of always learning and growing. I want to inspire my mentees to do the same, encouraging them to explore new tech and stay curious”.

When asked to reflect on a significant moment as a mentor, Rahila recalls working with an Independent Software Vendor to successfully launch a new AI model, which led to a boost in  performance and efficiency of Intel's processors. 

After the necessary due diligence and trying various methods, it was successful. When it was finally tested on Intel's hardware, they saw a significant improvement in speed and accuracy. A true demonstration of how teamwork and innovation can make a real impact in AI.

“It reminded us of the value of using cutting-edge methods to solve problems and the importance of working together to find dynamic solutions for any problems that may arise”, says Rahila. 


Rahila’s Top Tip for AI Startups


Rahila believes the number one piece of advice for AI startups is to never underestimate the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. “Stay agile, remain open to experimentation, and be willing to pivot your strategies based on market dynamics and evolving customer requirements. By embracing a culture of innovation and resilience, you can position your AI startup for long-term success in the real world”.

If you’d like to connect with mentors like Rahila, learn more about the Intel® Liftoff for AI Startups here





About the Author
As a Software Tools Ecosystem Specialist at Intel, I’ve had the privilege of working on the dynamic GenAI initiative. My focus is on driving engagement with the software developer audience. I'm a proud team member of the Intel® Liftoff for Startups and the Developer Engagement, Relations, and Studio team.