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Meet the Mentor: Varad Joshi - Guiding Innovation in the Intel® Liftoff Program

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Meet Varad Joshi, Intel Technical Solution Engineer, and mentor in the Liftoff program. We spoke to him about his role as mentor, and the critical role mentorship plays in the success of startups operating in the fields of AI and ML. 

Varad.jpgWith nearly 3 years of working experience with Intel, Varad is proudly one of the founding members of the Intel® Liftoff team. Throughout his tenure, he has cultivated a specialized skill set in optimizing and accelerating AI/ML workloads across various Intel hardware platforms, including CPUs, XPUs and HPUs. His proficiency extends to leveraging tools like Base Toolkit and AI Analytics Toolkit to drive efficiency and innovation in projects.

With such extensive experience, he has honed his ability to pinpoint the most suitable Intel tools and software tailored to solve specific problems. A skill critically required in his role as Liftoff program mentor. This expertise enables him to deliver optimal solutions for startups, ensuring they receive the best possible outcomes.



Varads’ Top Tip For AI Startups - Solve Real Word Problems


AI solutions are reshaping the way we approach challenges, and as mentor, Varads’ advice to AI startups at the beginning of their journey is to focus on solving a specific, real-world problem, rather than chasing the latest AI trends.

Identify a clear pain point or need in a particular industry or market, and then develop an AI solution that addresses it effectively. This approach not only helps in creating a product with genuine value, but also attracts potential customers and investors who are looking for practical solutions to their problems.

As AI technologies continue to advance, their potential to address complex challenges and improve lives will only grow. Varad recalls a significant moment in his role as mentor was being chosen by the CTO of Intel to showcase the Liftoff program at Intel® Innovation, one of the most sought-after technology events.

In addition to this highlight, collaborating with startups focused on medical applications has been profoundly impactful.

These partnerships are a meaningful step forward in enhancing health accessibility and outcomes for all.”


Beyond theoretical knowledge, mentorship offers exposure to real-world applications and scenarios. Mentors provide hands-on experience, enabling mentees to apply their skills in practical settings.
You can discover more about Intel® Liftoff for AI Startups here. 


About the Author
I'm a proud team member of the Intel® Liftoff for Startups, an innovative, free virtual program dedicated to accelerating the growth of early-stage AI startups.