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My Life at Intel: China Software Engineering Director Xiaomei Zhou Shares Her Story

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XiaomeiMy Intel Journey

I joined Intel in 1995 as a Senior Software Engineer at the company's Arizona site. I then moved on to Oregon, and then California—all with Intel. For the past four years, I've been working for Intel from Shanghai. In my experience, the Shanghai site is one of the most exciting places to work, because I'm surrounded by super-talented, passionate young people every day. They make me young again.

My Workplace

So many great words come to my mind when I think about Intel. Let me pick the top five and why I believe so.

Diversity: We come to Intel with different backgrounds and experiences. Each of us brings unique values. The beauty lies in our differences and how we leverage these differences to make Intel an even greater company.

Integrity: Intel is built on a very solid ethical foundation. I'm proud to work at a company that does right the things.

Growth: Intel offers tremendous opportunities that support its employees' career growth. Intel has invested a great deal in promoting employees' skill-set growth in so many areas. We grow together with Intel. I am grateful for what Intel has offered me. Without Intel, I would not be who I am. The training I've received from Intel has helped me not only at work but has also helped me tremendously in my personal life.

Family: Making Intel a great place to work is one of the things the company is most serious about. I feel that my co-workers are part of my extended family, so I'm super-motivated to come to work every day.

Pride: Intel is an amazing company, so I take great pride in working here.

My Most Memorable Occasion

A few years ago, I worked overnight with the team at the Intel office to fix a challenging bug. We didn’t fix it until the next morning, and when the mission was completed, I looked up and saw the sun beaming through the office window, shining on my computer. I'll never forget the rewarding feeling I had at that moment—and the pride I felt at being part of such a committed team. It's a privilege to work with so many wonderful people every day.

Why Intel

After working at Intel for more than 20 years, I often joke about my blood being Intel Blue. On the emotional side, it is true, though. I take pride in working at Intel, because Intel is a fantastic company. Countless companies are making good profits and producing good products. Yet only a few companies can proudly say they've transformed their industry and made such a huge difference in people’s lives. And Intel is definitely one of those few. For that, I am forever grateful that 20 years ago I made the decision to join Intel, when I had multiple offers in hand.

My Motto in Life

I very much agree with a quote from the noted life and career coach Milissa Rosberg: “Confidence is like muscle, and the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.” I take every challenging opportunity as an exercise to build my confidence muscle.

-by Xiaomei Zhou

About the Author
We make the impossible possible and empower millions around the world through great technology, good corporate citizenship, and inclusive culture. We are Intel, and these are our stories.