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So, You Want to be the Next Intel Rock Star?

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Several months ago, while driving back to the office from lunch, I started to wonder about fun ways to get students engaged with Intel, but on more of a ‘fun’ level. (Some of my best ideas come at the oddest times.) It prompted me to think about ways I could engage students in creating some fun content for our US College team to showcase as well. I mean, why assume that ONLY a marketing person can generate cool collateral? Plus, it would be fun—and believe it or not, at Intel, we know how to have fun! I wasn’t ready to undertake a huge video project (yet), but thought photo content would be a great place to start. The fact that I love a good contest with cool prizes didn’t hurt either. And that’s how the #IntelPhotoContest idea was born.

We kicked off the #IntelPhotoContest across our schools in the US by randomly giving away t-shirts at some of our on-campus Intel Events. The winners (randomly drawn) got an Intel t-shirt that said “I want to be the next Intel Rock Star”. The ONLY requirement for their photo submission was that we needed to see the t-shirt in the photo. Simple enough, right? And to reward their creativity, we offered up 3 uber cool prizes for the best submissions:

  • Grand prize: a high end Intel powered Samsung 9 Series laptop with a Core i5 processor.

  • 2nd place: 40” Internet TV (with Intel Inside of course)

  • 3rd place: a snazzy new Netbook. (I’m sure I don’t have to tell you whose (atom) processor was inside that either )

We weren’t quite sure what to expect: I mean we knew that we met some awesome students on campus but man did they WOW us with their submissions! We had participants from 19 schools! For our first official contest, not a bad showing, right? It really looks like they had a lot of fun coming up with their ideas too. All of the content can be found on our Flickr page – The Intel Student Lounge.

Winners were selected by a small team of judges that work for Intel in various capacities (we all shared a common ‘twitter’ bond), and we picked the ones that we found to be most interesting and creative. A great job to all students who submitted their photos!

The winners of the contest are below, along with their respective photo. Don’t stop looking here though. We got some GREAT submissions that you will want to see. Visit our Flickr Page and tell us which ones YOU like!

… and now, a DRUM ROLL PLEASE…..

3rd place, and winner of a snazzy new Netbook, goes to: Arik_MichiganStateU_3rdPrize-thumb-600x417

Arik from Michigan State University!

2nd place, and the winner of a 40” Internet TV, is: Jing_OhioState_2ndPrize-thumb-600x522

And now, our grand prize winner, and brand new owner of a high end Intel powered Samsung 9 Series laptop with a Core i5 processor… DRUMROLL PLEASE…

Maolin_CALTECH_1stPrize-thumb-600x398Maolin from Cal Tech!

Again, thanks to all of those that participated and congratulations to all of the winners! Watch for more fun from the US College Recruiting Team in the very near future!