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Star on the rise: Meet SHPE award winner Mario Bolaños

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The prestigious annual awards recognizes and honors the contributions of Hispanic leaders in STEM fields.

His roots gave him wings

Mario Bolaños’ tech career spans more than 30 years, joining the Intel family through Altera five years ago—and already raising the bar as the 2018 SHPE Corporate Achievement Award winner.


Born in El Salvador to two teachers, he was raised with strong family ties and a deep appreciation for the value of education. His parents were extremely influential in his life—they were his best friends and remain his role models. Fulfilling their dreams for his future became his own dream.

He immigrated to the U.S. in the late 80s. After building a successful career with Texas Instruments that took him around the world, Mario had an urge to see what else was possible.


Driven by a thirst for knowledge instilled by his parents, he sought a new challenge. He found it with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) which is our programmable processor, perhaps the most technically complex product we have in the industry.

Experienced working internationally, he embraced the opportunity to dig into application engineering in a technical leadership role. Now he manages a global team in the Customer Experience Group, with 15 offices in 8 different countries.

As a member of Intel’s Hispanic Leadership council and the Diversity and Inclusion council, he is passionate about contributing to the Hispanic community both at Intel and on a larger scale. He mentors Hispanics as well as many other employees across the company and is deeply committed to driving inclusive strategies in his business unit.


On the cross-cultural experiences that influenced him personally and professionally, Mario says:

“I am very proud of my heritage. When I moved to the states, I didn’t know anything about different ethnic groups. I came from a place where everyone was the same. I am very proud to see how much the Hispanic community has accomplished and contributed to Intel, California, and the country in general.”


Interested in learning more about amazing engineers like Mario? Follow @WeAreIntel for our new series #VivanLos50 featuring employees’ cultures, experiences, and stories in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Hispanic Heritage Month.
About the Author
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