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Validating/Quashing Rumors: Is Intel opening an office in San Diego?!

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I’ve been a little out of the loop for the past few years when it came to recruitment of senior level engineering talent at Intel. I’ve kind of been in my own little ‘College Recruiting’ world (and loved it!). Lately though, I had been hearing some of the recruiters and staffing leaders talking about San Diego. Wandering the halls, flying on the Intel shuttle… everywhere I went, there were little rumblings of something going on in sunny Southern California, but I was clearly not in the KNOW. For those that know me, you know I do not find that acceptable. I made it my mission to figure out what people were talking about. Today, I’m happy to report I’ve uncovered the mystery and I’m here to shed some light on the subject. After all, it’s probably a good idea to keep job seekers aware of what we are doing here at Intel, right?

I was able to sit down with Bernd Moeller. He is part of our Mobile and Communications Group (MCG), and works for Intel in Germany. He had some very interesting insight into what is going on in my neighboring state of California! Here is my official interview with Bernd, hopefully I’ve asked all the right questions.
Q: Well, are we in fact opening an office in San Diego?

A: Yes, as a matter of fact, we are.

There you have it. Rumor confirmed. But of course I wanted to know more (don't you?)

Q: Well, why did Intel decide to make this investment in a San Diego office and why now?

A: Intel’s Mobile and Communications Group is one of the leadingmodem providersworldwide. Growing market segment opportunities have accelerated our desire to deliver new modems on a regular cadence. This added focus will require building a sister organization to our Munich operations and we simply see San Diego as a great place to be.

Q: How many are we planning to hire and what is the timeline for getting that hiring done?

A: We are planning to setup a complete modem team focused on HSDPA and LTE. We are hoping to have this new team fully operational later this year. We will grow and extend this team based on market opportunity and needs.

Q: Where will the new office be?

A:  We have 2 locations in mind. A final decision has not been made yet, but we expect it will be made within the coming days. Stay tuned!

Q: What makes this such an exciting opportunity for candidates? Why would they want to leave their current company to join Intel?

A: We would like to invest in top talent and offer a chance to grow and become part of a world class team. This is a team tasked with the challenge of defining, implementing and delivering to market new modem technologies. As we made our decision on where to build and grow this team, we recognized that the San Diego development communities’ talent closely tracks to our own world class team in Germany. Our existing modem team is a winning organization, combining the best of the industry to create world class solutions to satisfy our growing customer base. I invite you to come join us.

Q: Exactly what kind of skills are we looking for?

A: We are looking for talent experienced in the field that can inspire their team, and define and implement solutions. They should have sound cellular industry experience along with familiarity in the creation of wireless technology. I should note that we are not looking for technology appliers. We seek creative thinkers with proven experience. Candidates of interest would be:

  • System Engineers - people that define the architecture and algorithms, most preferred is the control arena of the Firmware (Physical Layer) and the Protocol Stack.

  • Physical Layer Developers – emphasized focus on control path!

  • Protocol Stack with sound knowledge on the Access Stratum Layer 3, 2 and Layer 1 Control.

  • Sound Modem Integrators to bring the technology and IP together

Q: What is the best way to get your resume noticed by the recruiter s handling this business group?

A: Chris Rudomin is the main point of contact. You can find her on LinkedIn and connect if you are interested in exploring these opportunities. Additionally, you should start applying to our job postings immediately. We are interviewing now. There are quite a few positions posted, and here is a link to the vast majority of them.
You can also check out a full list of our jobs by visiting

www.intel.com/jobs and searching by the San Diego location.

My final question for you Bernd.

Q: Intel has been in San Diego before, but not for a little while. Is Intel here to stay now?

A: Intel has, in fact, invested in San Diego a number of times during the past decade. This included startup acquisitions during the dotcom era and our Centrino’s Wifi development team. Over the years we have retained our investments in San Diego with the idea that we would find a time and opportunity to return to San Diego. That time is now.

Intel is making steps towards becoming a leader in mobile technology. The acquisition of Infineon Wireless, the steady growth of R&D within the wireless space, and the recent announcement of our Device R&D solutions (for example with Orange (Operators), Lenovo and Lava) are examples of this effort.

Well, there you have it. You are probably some of the first people to know about this news! So, that said…. Are YOU ready to apply??