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We all have the responsibility to fight against Asian hate

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This blog was published on behalf of Xiao Lu, Engineering Area Manager and Principal Engineer at Intel. 


Everyone should understand that words have consequences. The long running and deeply rooted undercurrent of racial stereotyping of people of Asian descent has been exacerbated and emboldened during the COVID-19 pandemic. I would not be surprised to see a continued increase in violence and hate crimes against people of Asian descent, especially in the U.S. This hate is tearing apart the fabric of our society from within.

During the pandemic, the media plays an even more important role in connecting the world. Perceptions are heavily influenced and shaped by preferred media and political leaders and it feels like fewer and fewer people are willing to intentionally seek more information. We have to do more to educate people in order for them to have a broader and balanced perspective when it comes to people, countries and culture.

Since 2020, the U.S. has seen an increased focus on racial equality issues. The U.S. is composed of different ethnicities and cultures. We should respect and appreciate cultures and civilizations outside the U.S. as well. It is illogical and unrealistic to completely cut off the cultural and heritage ties between Asian American communities and Asian countries. Just like hate can be incited and transmitted across borders, a better mutual understanding and reconciliation can also be achieved this way if we act in earnest, globally.

In order to fundamentally address the issue of hate crimes against all people of color, we should accept the responsibility of embracing diversity and fostering mutual understanding inside and outside the country. In the end, a better and more just America cannot be created in a vacuum, nor completely isolated from the rest of the world.

What we are standing up for today is not only how we treat the 23 million Asian Americans in the U.S., but how the rest of the world views the United States.

I came to the U.S. almost 18 years ago to pursue my graduate study with a hope that the “cultural melting pot” would enrich me with diverse perspectives. There are so many moments I was fortunate to learn from people with a different heritage and background. Now, I have two young children born and raised in the U.S. I would like them to feel proud of being American and being Asian American without any reservation, not to be questioned with “are you being discriminated in America?” every time we fly back to China to visit relatives. The U.S. is not an abstract concept, it is embodied in the actions and behaviors of every citizen. If this nation is determined to uphold its values—to form a more perfect union—every member of society must take a share of that responsibility.

At Intel, we strive to be the most responsible, inclusive, and sustainable company in the world. We fearlessly support public policies and laws that advance racial justice and social equity globally because these issues matter to our employees and communities. I’m glad Intel is off the sidelines and supporting campaigns to address the increase of Asian hate. I’m also hopeful for the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act introduced by Rep. Meng and Senator Hirono. Eradicating hate speech and racism isn’t a partisan issue, it’s a necessary action that supports our values and traditions.

Additionally, we are encouraged by President Biden and his administration’s rebuke of Asian hate and their efforts in signing an Executive Order against xenophobia (which Intel championed on Jan. 26) and for embedding equity across our governments. Together, the public and private sector are better situated to address racial justice and social equity. Intel continues to advance racial justice and social equity through our global social equity policy principles, which will guide our work with governments and organizations globally as we continue our efforts to be the most responsible, inclusive, and sustainable company and support human rights globally.



-Xiao Lu

Engineering Area Manager and Principal Engineer, Assembly Test Technology Development (ATTD)



It’s time to come together and stop Asian hate. We encourage you to participate in Asian American Day of Action on Friday, March 26, 2021.
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