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1021 Discussions

What Would You Say to Paul?

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It's kind of crazy to think about it, but it could very well happen. I've heard stories about people riding in the elevator with him or being on the same shuttle flight with him, yet I've never sighted our CEO (other than web casts or open forums that he does.) But I've always wondered, what would I say to him if I ever had 5 minutes with him.

Would I ask him about our company's future and where we're going?

Would I ask him about what he's most worried about or what keeps him up at night?

Would I ask him about his passions? And what's his biggest motivation for coming to work in the morning?

Or maybe I'd just ask him about him: how's his day going? How's life outside of work?

I'm still not sure what I would say to him. I think it's one of those things that if I ever had the opportunity, I'd spring into action (I hope.)

What do you have to say? If you were to meet our CEO, Paul Otellini, what would you say to him?
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