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Why I think Intel is a Great Place to Work: Employee Groups

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We recently received news…BIG news. Intel was named as one of Fortune Magazine’s* “100 Best Companies to Work For”! As someone who has been working at Intel for over 19 years, I already knew this, but boy did it feel good to hear someone else, someone on the outside, agree! Soon after the announcement, one of our VPs of HR wrote a blog post (yes, our execs blog!) on the topic. In his post he included, “This is bigger than simply having our name on a list. It’s an opportunity to have pride in and showcase our company to the outside world…” That got me thinking, “What makes Intel such a great place to work?” For me, one of the reasons is because of the rich Employee Group Program.

Maintaining an environment where employees from diverse backgrounds are valued, respected, challenged, acknowledged and rewarded is important to Intel, and to me. Intel understands the important connection between a positive workplace and its effect on maximizing the productivity and success of its employees. The network of Intel Employee Groups encourages this vital interaction. In 1990 when I came to Intel, there were only informal groups of employees meeting together for lunch and social events. Today we have over 20 Employee Groups with 102 chapters around the world. These groups are organized around racial groupings, national origin, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and more.

The group most related to current university scholars is the College Graduate Network (CGN). The mission of the group is to provide CGs with professional development, networking and community involvement opportunities that enrich their Intel experience. Many Intel scholars, interns and new full-time hires have benefited from the experience of CG members who have been with Intel for five years or less. Active chapters exist all over the world in places like Bangalore, Beijing, Chengdu, Costa Rica, Dalian, Malaysia, Shanghai, Israel, Ireland, the US and more. Rather than take my word on the value behind this group, here’s what some current members shared with me around the benefits of the group:

“By giving new employees opportunities to step out of their normal routine, the CGN enables them to candidly connect with a group of people that are (or recently were) in the same situation. Suddenly, the new employee goes from being on a lonely island of bewilderment to having an understanding support structure with company and local community resources, opportunities to meet new people with similar interests and an easier-gained contextual understanding of the company and their role within it. Although I can imagine that they are scary to join, they are (often) an unexpectedly helpful resource for all of those that participate in them.” Chelsea, BIOS Engineer, CG Member, Jobs@Intel Blogger Intel (USA)

“Basically, by joining and getting involved in CGNet – Malaysia, I’ve been able to discover and connect with new peers in various business groups within Intel, and have been able to learn and grow with one another in work and life. Besides, I’m able to develop my talent and click with peers who have similar interests via networking sessions and self-development groups that are organized offsite. Last, but not least, by collaborating our efforts through CGN, I’m able to dedicate my time and effort in helping my community through various volunteering activities such as Beach Clean Up at the World Heritage Site Preservation in Malaysia (in conjunction with World Coastal Day).” Wai, Industrial Engineer, Long Range Planning Strategic Capacity, Intel (Malaysia)

From inception, Employee Groups have provided members with powerful means of support and integration. They provide opportunities to participate in a variety of company-wide programs, such as cultural awareness events, mentoring, community involvement, and recruitment (such as Women’s Leadership Council, the Intel Latino and African American Leadership Conferences, Virtual Chats, Roundtable discussions, summits, and more.) However, I believe the greatest benefits are obtained through the consistent opportunities to network with other employees, increase leadership skills, and grow professionally. I’m not the only one that thinks so. In comparison to our peer companies, Intel stands with the best in this space and has received numerous recognitions

Yes, Employee Groups make Intel a Great Place to Work! And just one of the many reasons why; stay tuned as I share more reasons in future blog posts.