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Why LearningFest? The quest to teach corporate culture.

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A corporate culture is a difficult thing to quantify and describe. Culture is the way we show up every day, on every team across the globe. Guiding 120k+ people to a consistent set of values across 53+ countries is no small task, but one that we take great pride in performing every year. It is the nature of something as nebulous as ‘culture’ to be constantly renegotiated at every level of a company. Despite this, it must mean something specific to work at Intel. We have pride in what we do and how we do it. No matter what technical domain you work in, how deep in academic vocabulary you are entrenched, or how far away you are physically or emotionally from your coworkers, there is a guiding light in the form of a single way we work.


We throw a big learning event each year called LearningFest were we commit to being a place of growth for our employees. For 2023, the theme is Customer First Culture. This is the idea that we all have a customer, that customer has a need, and we exist as a business to fill that need. We do this work with all our other values in tight alignment. No single cultural attribute will ever define us. Without inclusion of all voices in our work, we can’t meet all needs of all customers. Without unflinching integrity and a dedication to quality, there is no point in success. Without fearless innovation we won’t be the best and without acting as one Intel and being results oriented, we can’t bring the power of our leadership to bear on the needs of our customers. It all has work together.


I cannot teach you how to ‘culture.’ Each of us shows up to work tirelessly negotiating what that means in a grand conversation across time. This only works because we agree on the reasons, we do the work and what success looks like. The thing that I can teach you is the vocabulary and the context of that greater conversation. Each year we recommit to our principles and that difficult to quantify special spark that comes with working at Intel.


This year, we've talked about how our conversations with customers are changing. We have brought the best technical innovations forward in our newest technology. There is an update on how we are rebuilding our execution through transparency and data. Most importantly, each of us has a customer who needs our support and at the end of our conversation, you will recommit to executing that mission in a way that only Intel can.


Why continue to come to LearningFest? The answer is that you care about the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of the work that we do here. You want to be in on that conversation and show up representing our values every day. This thing called ‘culture’ is under constant influence and you want to be a part of that, today and every day!

About the Author
Born at a keyboard (Commadore 64), grew up in Best Buy and Frys, ready to explore Microcenter. Spent 10+ years in the USAF as an F-16 Mechanic and Manager. My kids asked me to build a Minecraft server so I did, then built a LAN Center in my garage. Currently attending school for Network Administration and can't wait to get into the Industry to grow more. My motto is, "To Accomplish a Dream is to Live."



This is so cool and why I personally am pursuing to further my education and employment at Intel. Previously being in the United States Air Force, we also had to learn about culture and working together. Maybe at first it seemed like a far-fetched concept but very quickly revealed itself as being more advantageous in the workplace and in the world. Being privileged to have some travel under my belt around the world, the great experiences that I have had, have contributed to wanting to work with other cultures and further learn more, because there actually isn't one way to do something. 

Learnfest seems very interesting, might be something to look further into. The Maker Faire and LANFest is where my journey really began. Walking into the FM building in Folsom was inspiring on it's own in so many ways. I can't wait to learn more and see what positive things I can contribute to this world in my lifetime, hopefully through Intel.