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1022 Discussions

Yes, students, having your resume online really does matter

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We, the U.S, college recruiting team, know that every student’s least favorite thing to hear at a career fair is “just put your resume online” but it really is an important part of the process. We are a big company and we use web-based tools to manage the large volume of candidates we have; however, it’s a bit more involved than “just putting your resume online”. Having an online profile is a necessary component of the process, but there’s more to it.

When we (me or any of my team members) meet you on campus we do an initial screen of your qualifications to work for us (Intel hires for a very diverse array of skill sets, but we do have some minimum qualifications that apply to all candidates, including GPA, and right to work/controlled country considerations for certain positions). Provided you meet those basic qualifications, we take your resume back to the office and start a profile for you. This is the same profile you can create for yourself on Jobs at Intel; however, we flag you as a “real-live” person who we’ve actually had a conversation with and deemed is a fit for Intel at a basic level. This flag gives you priority during the search process when recruiters and hiring managers are looking to fill open requisitions. That means that the time you spend in line at a career fair or conference really does make a difference!

If we don’t come to your campus, don’t despair. We are still interested in you as a candidate for our college graduate and intern positions. Because we can’t visit every campus, we focus on a subset of universities. We recognize that there are brilliant students at universities across the nation and we certainly hope that you will consider creating a profile on our site too!

So what happens after you have a profile with us? We encourage you to regularly check the open positions we have posted at Student Center. You can apply directly for job openings on our site, which is the best way for you to communicate to a manager that you are interested in his or her position. In addition, once your profile is created, Intel recruiters are able to match you to open positions based on your skills sets.

Managers will contact those candidates they want to interview directly (usually via the phone) to do a more in-depth assessment of your skills, interests and “fit” for the position. If you are interviewing for an internship position, manager decisions are usually made based on your phone interviews. If you are interviewing for a full-time position, you will normally have an initial phone interview, followed by a day of on-site interviews to give Intel a chance to get to know you better and to give you an opportunity to check out the area where you might be living in as well as the people you’d be working with.

I hope this post gives a little more insight to what students sometimes describe to me as “the black hole” of recruiting.

Best, Dani
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