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FPGA Cloud Connectivity Kit gets you from the Edge to Microsoft Azure IoT quickly

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A new FPGA Cloud Connectivity Kit developed by Terasic and Intel and based on the Intel® Cyclone® V SoC FPGA can get you from raw sensor data on the edge to Microsoft Azure IoT in the cloud quickly, with simple tools, simple templates, and open source design examples. Microsoft Azure IoT allows you to connect, monitor, and control billions of devices with speed and simplicity on a fully managed application platform. The FPGA Cloud Connectivity Kit coupled with Microsoft Azure IoT allows you to meet tight market windows by developing smart, connected IoT designs that quickly integrate into the cloud.

FPGAs bring several critical characteristics to IoT design including:

  • Connectivity

  • Deterministic Compute

  • Safety

  • Hardware-Level Flexibility

  • Data Security

  • Industrial-Grade Use Conditions

  • Reliability

  • Long Product Life Cycles


There’s a free, four-module tutorial for this kit titled “Build, Deploy, and Manage your FPGA-Based IoT Edge Applications using Microsoft Azure” in the Intel Developer Zone. This step-by-step tutorial takes you through the process of connecting an FPGA-based edge device to the cloud, where edge data can be turned into actionable knowledge either by people or by AI.


More in-depth information about the FPGA Cloud Connectivity Kit is available in a 14-minute YouTube video titled “Build, Deploy and Manage Your FPGA-based IoT Edge Applications.”


The FPGA Cloud Connectivity Kit is available now from Mouser Electronics for $189. Click here for details.



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