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Are you curious about how FPGAs can be leveraged for artificial intelligence (AI) inference and what tools are available to speed up the AI development process with FPGAs?  Intel is holding an “Ask an Expert Webinar” on Thursday, July 27 at 9:00AM PDT to answer all your questions about the Intel® FPGA AI Suite and the latest innovations.

Intel FPGA AI Suite was developed with the vision of making AI inference easy to use on Intel FPGAs. Utilities in the Intel FPGA AI Suite speed up FPGA development for AI inference using familiar and popular industry frameworks such as TensorFlow* or PyTorch* and the Intel OpenVINO™ toolkit, while also leveraging robust and proven FPGA development flows with the Intel Quartus® Prime Development Software.

This is your chance to come ask an expert about the Intel FPGA AI Suite. The Intel FPGA AI Suite enables real-time, low-latency, and low-power deep learning inference combined with FPGA advantages – I/O flexibility, reconfiguration, ease of integration into custom platforms, and long lifetime.

During the “Ask an Expert Webinar” event (Thursday, July 27, 9:00 AM PDT / 17:00 CEST) you can ask questions and discuss FPGA AI development with Intel experts and other designers. This is not a one-way webcast – it is an interactive discussion with AI experts and your engineering peers. No matter what level of experience, everyone is welcome to come and ask questions.

This “Ask an Expert Webinar” session will be run by James Moawad, Domi Papoi, and Kevin Drake, each bringing years of experience in FPGAs, AI, and development workflows. Come and ask these experts your burning questions about FPGA AI development and the Intel FPGA AI Suite for Intel FPGAs.

Register Now.

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