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Hot Chips 2020 Conference (August 16-18) announces program including several Intel presentations covering server and mobile processors, FPGAs, quantum computing, and a Jim Keller keynote

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Do you need to keep up with the latest developments in processor, chip architecture, semiconductor, and advanced computing technology? The annual Hot Chips conference has been the place to surf technology’s leading edge for the last 30 years – and this year is no exception. At this year’s Hot Chips conference, now scheduled for August 16 through 18 as a live, virtual event due to the worldwide COVID-19 situation, you can hear about breakthrough, cutting-edge technologies used to develop processors, semiconductor process technology, and even quantum computing from the comfort of your favorite easy chair. Sunday, August 16 is a tutorial day followed by two days of conference presentations.

The Hot Chips 2020 Committee has just posted this year’s program, which includes several presentations from Intel:

The first conference day, on Monday, August 17, includes a keynote presentation by Jim Keller – senior vice president of Intel’s Technology, Systems Architecture and Client Group and general manager of Intel’s Silicon Engineering Group. Keller has a long and storied history closely tied to the development of microprocessor architectures and he has been an outspoken advocate regarding the continuation of Moore’s Law into the future. His presentations never fail to both inform and entertain.

Additional Intel presentations during the conference itself include:

  • Next Generation Intel Xeon(R) Scalable Server Processor: Icelake-SP” by Irma Esmer Papazian

  • Inside Tiger Lake: Intel’s Next Generation Mobile Client CPU” by Jumnit Hong

  • The Xe GPU Architecture” by David Blythe

  • Agilex Generation of Intel FPGAs” by Ilya Ganusov

  • Tofino2 – A 12.9Tbps Programmable Ethernet Switch” by Anurag Agrawal and Changhoon Kim (Intel/Barefoot Networks)


In addition, during the August 16 pre-conference tutorial day, James S. Clarke from Intel will give a presentation titled “Towards a Large-scale Quantum Computer Using Silicon Spin Qubits” during a Sunday tutorial session on quantum computing.

These Intel presentations represent the broad topic spectrum that’s always on offer during a Hot Chips conference. To check out the Hot Chips 2020 program, click here. To register, click here. Early registration pricing for the live, virtual conference is available through the end of May. (All sessions will be recorded for later viewing as well.)


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Note: If circumstances change and permit Hot Chips to be held as a physical conference, the Hot Chips organization will alert registrants and will offer them option of upgrading. Registration fees for a physical conference have not been set.



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