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Why Hardware-Based Security Is a New Fleet Management Essential

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Keeping your business PCs secure is an essential part of effective fleet management. Today’s IT departments face a wide range of challenges as attacks become increasingly sophisticated and move further down the stack. Meanwhile, as the hybrid workplace becomes the new standard, remote workers are increasingly on networks that are outside of IT’s control, making it easier for cybercriminals to infiltrate your company’s data.

It all adds up to this: When it comes to protecting your business in today’s cybersecurity landscape, software-based security just isn’t enough. To help keep your organization protected, hardware-based security needs to be a focal point of your fleet management strategy. Security should be built upon a strong foundation—and that starts in the hardware, at the silicon level.

Attackers are getting smarter with their hacking methods every day, employing new approaches to gain unauthorized access to your company’s remote devices. Even in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported 3,000 to 4,000 cybersecurity complaints every day, which was a big jump from the approximately 1,000 prepandemic daily complaints.[1]
Many of these cyber threats thrive in the software space, where any vulnerability in your software can be exploited to gain easy access to your users’ PCs. Outside-the-firewall workers in the hybrid workplace only increase your risk.

To combat these threats, hardware-based security platforms provide a foundational layer of protection that can help detect and prevent cyber threats at the software layer. Hardware-based security features can spot anomalies in the application layer and help contain threats before they reach your data or harm your business. And even if your software security tools are compromised, hardware-based security can keep your users’ data safer at the silicon level.

So how can you enable hardware-level security for your fleet? It’s as simple as selecting a business-device platform that delivers the right hardware-level technology.

Fortunately, the Intel vPro® platform is built for business, providing powerful, integrated features to help protect you and your data. Included in the Intel vPro platform is Intel® Hardware Shield, which is a collection of security capabilities that can help protect your users’ applications and data below and within the operating system as well as provide advanced threat protections. This unique, silicon-level security system is designed to detect attack signatures like crypto jacking and ransomware—which are increasingly obfuscated from typical AV/EDR defenses.

Since security is a continuous process, Intel has unmatched ongoing product security support—including industry-leading security processes and programs such as the Bug Bounty Program. We also continuously put our solutions through Security Development life cycle processes before release to help uncover vulnerabilities.

Another feature of the Intel vPro platform is Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT), which gives IT administrators remote access control to PCs, even if the OS is down or unresponsive—including the ability to schedule or automate security patches and threat remediations. Keeping your remote fleet updated with patches is especially essential for keeping your fleet more secure, well managed, and better protected.[2]

To protect your company’s data from evolving cyber threats, software-level security just isn’t enough anymore. If you’re looking to keep your devices and users better protected from hackers in the hybrid workplace, purchasing devices with hardware-level security will be worth the investment.

To explore more aspects of modern fleet ownership and management, be sure to check out our handbook on fleet ownership and manageability  It’s a free resource that outlines four critical considerations for your next business-device purchase and provides expert tips about what to look for from your company’s computing platform.

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