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AI Cloud for Everyone: Nodeshift Leverages the Intel® Tiber™Cloud for Cost-Effective AI Solutions

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In a time where AI development is synonymous with sky-high expenses, Nodeshift, a San Francisco based startup, is turning heads with its revolutionary cloud-based solutions. By offering a global cloud network for training and executing AI models at a fraction of the cost compared to industry giants like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, Nodeshift is democratizing AI development.

Nodeshift's participation in the Intel® Liftoff Program is a game-changer. This strategic collaboration grants Nodeshift unfettered access to cutting-edge hardware and software, ensuring continuous enhancement of their cloud services.

"The close collaboration with the Intel® Liftoff Program has significantly improved and accelerated our own development and success in the market." - Mihai Mărcuță, Nodeshift Co-founder.

For small and medium-sized enterprises, the financial burden of developing and training AI applications in the cloud can be overwhelming. High costs from major providers often push budgets to their limits, stifling innovation. Nodeshift addresses this challenge head-on, delivering savings up to 80% over well-known cloud services from Google, AWS, and Azure.


How Nodeshift Slashes Costs 


The secret to Nodeshift’s cost efficiency lies in its innovative use of existing, underutilized computing and storage capacities. Instead of constructing their own data centers, Nodeshift utilizes a network of regionally distributed virtual machines, sourced from both large telecommunications companies and smaller firms. This model not only reduces costs but also enhances scalability and flexibility. Security and data protection are paramount at Nodeshift. 

Adhering to stringent regulations such as GDPR, and holding SOC 2 certification, Nodeshift ensures top-tier data security and privacy.



Nodeshift Compute pricing and configuration


Boosted by Intel Tiber Developer Cloud 


Being a part of the Intel® Liftoff Program provides Nodeshift with unparalleled access to the Intel® Tiber Developer Cloud. Here, essential software tools and advanced hardware components for AI development are readily available. This partnership enables Nodeshift developers to rigorously test and refine their tools, ensuring that their offerings remain at the cutting edge of technology.

With access to the latest AI accelerator technologies like Intel® Gaudi® 2 or Gaudi® 3, and modern CPU advancements such as Intel® SGX, Nodeshift guarantees maximum security and performance for AI applications. Intel’s expertise further refines Nodeshift’s solutions, ensuring they are always a step ahead.

Eugenie_Wirz_2-1715879553791.pngNodeshift's cloud instances are available worldwide


Elevating Visibility and Credibility


Beyond technological support, Nodeshift benefits from Intel’s robust startup acceleration machinery. This includes introductions to mentors, potential customers, and key industry figures, as well as heightened media visibility. Participation in Intel events amplifies Nodeshift's market presence, bolstering its reputation among potential partners, employees, and customers alike.

Nodeshift’s journey illustrates the transformative power of strategic partnerships and innovative thinking in the tech industry. By leveraging Intel’s resources and their unique approach to cloud infrastructure, Nodeshift is making AI development more accessible and affordable, paving the way for a new wave of technological advancements.

 “NodeShift is gearing up to redefine cloud services with a new paradigm based on decentralization, which will create new opportunities for innovation and will change the existing market dynamics. 
By being selected to both Intel startup accelerators, Intel® Ignite and Intel® Liftoff, the NodeShift founders will team up with experienced entrepreneurs, mentors, and engineers to create a solid foundation to get to the next level. This will enable NodeShift to accelerate the development of the technology of decentralization and scale up the business globally.” - Ralph de Wargny, Director Intel® Liftoff for Startups.


Apply to the program today to move your startup forward and secure its place at the leading edge of AI innovation.



About the Author
I'm a proud team member of the Intel® Liftoff for Startups, an innovative, free virtual program dedicated to accelerating the growth of early-stage AI startups.