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Intel® Liftoff Startups Driving Generative AI Imaging Innovations in HealthTech

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Intel® Liftoff HealthTech startups are using computer vision and generative AI to make patient care better, faster, and smarter. From improving how doctors diagnose in real time to dreaming up the health plans of tomorrow, they're at the forefront of innovation.

These innovative startups harness the full potential of generative AI’s imaging capabilities and automation by optimizing for accuracy, expert availability and real time results in patient outcomes. 


Ebenbuild: Revolutionizing Healthcare Personalization with Digital Twins 


The Medical Dilemma

Severe respiratory failure affects millions of patients worldwide each year and is linked to conditions such as ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), there is a pressing need to shift from the one-size-fits-all approach towards personalized patient care.


The Remedy



In the quest to transcend the limitations of conventional one-size-fits-all healthcare, Ebenbuild pioneers a transformative solution—leveraging personalized digital twins to administer precise therapy for severe respiratory illnesses. By consolidating patient data, AI, and physics-based simulations, Ebenbuild empowers health care teams and clinicians with enhanced insights, enabling healthcare companies and team members to improve patient outcomes. This novel approach not only improves understanding of respiratory conditions and individual physiopathology but also accelerates a new era of “in silico” clinical trials. These advancements contribute to informed treatment decisions and the optimization of drug delivery, marking a paradigm shift in personalized healthcare.



Code Blue AI: Preventing Strokes with Early Detection


The Medical Dilemma

Globally, one in four individuals may experience a stroke during their lifetime, yet 60% struggle to identify major signs. Recognizing the vital importance of early detection for minimizing potential damage, increased awareness and education on these key indicators is essential.


The Remedy

Code Blue AI has developed an innovative app focused on early stroke detection. Employing non-invasive methods, the app swiftly identifies symptoms such as slurred speech and facial asymmetry. Once detected, the app triggers alerts to the listed emergency contact using calls and texts, enabling rapid response. This groundbreaking technology not only minimizes the severity of potential damage but also serves as a real time solution to reducing the  global burden of strokes on healthcare systems.


EpochZero: Automating Chest X-ray Interpretation


As a member of the Intel Liftoff for Startups program, EpochZero, a Nigeria-based startup, is revolutionizing access to healthcare through technology in Sub-Saharan Africa:

"We are optimizing radiology workflows with AI, bolstering turnaround times and improving the quality of diagnosis. We tested our production code on the Intel Developer Cloud and were amazed at the speed of inference times. Inference on a single Next-Generation Xeon Scalable CPU was faster than the on-premise GPU we had been using for testing and development. With Intel’s technology, we truly believe we are stepping into a new epoch of computing.” - Mayowa Abejirin, CEO at EpochZero.


The Medical Dilemma

Radiography demands significant labor and skill input. Accelerating the interpretation of chest X-rays while maintaining accuracy poses a formidable challenge.


The Remedy

To expedite highly accurate chest X-ray interpretation, EpochZero introduces a generative AI solution to automate the sorting, reading and notation process. These tools also assist with algorithmically improving image readability. This innovative technology detects over 10 prevalent clinical pathologies and promptly alerts radiologists to urgent cases, enhancing efficiency and precision in diagnostics.


Perceptron Health:  Empowering Primary Care with Specialist Diagnostics


The Medical Dilemma

Primary care settings face challenges due to a lack of immediate access to specialist diagnostics, particularly impacting real-time screening for conditions like diabetic retinopathy. The consequence includes time delays, incorrect specialist appointments and delayed diagnosis, jeopardizing patients' health. 95% reduced risk of vision loss can be avoided with early identification.


The Remedy

Perceptron Health, has developed generative AI tools for clinical decision support. These tools empower primary care physicians with the necessary patient data, presenting a turnkey solution that enables on-site screening for diabetic retinopathy. By reducing the reliance on specialist referrals, Perceptron Health ensures that patients receive timely and essential care, marking a paradigm shift in the landscape of primary care diagnostics.


Key Takeaways

The generative AI tools developed by these HealthTech startups from the Intel® Liftoff program showcase how AI can provide groundbreaking solutions, reduce inefficiencies, and eliminate access barriers. They demonstrate how technological integration can be used to enhance personalized care, empowering patients to proactively navigate their health journey.

For inspiring HealthTech startups Intel® Liftoff for Startups plays a crucial role in fostering innovation by offering mentorship to early-stage development and testing, and advanced infrastructure like the Intel® Developer Cloud that offers a cutting-edge environment for startups. Apply to the program today.

About the Author
I'm a proud team member of the Intel® Liftoff for Startups, an innovative, free virtual program dedicated to accelerating the growth of early-stage AI startups.