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Be an IT Superhero – Oracle Database on Intel Xeon Significantly Lowers TCO and Improves Performance

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As if your digital transformation journey wasn’t complex enough, along came 2020 with yet another layer of ongoing business challenges. In times of disruption, enterprises must quickly adapt and modernize with value, cost-efficiency, and flexibility in mind. This is the time for IT to shine and reinforce themselves as the heroes of delivering innovation and revenue streams without breaking the bank.

If any of this resonates, keep reading because in this blog I will discuss a recent Intel-commissioned study by Prowess Consulting that compares enterprise database platforms for cost and performance advantages.

Lower Cost and Better Performance

In this study, Prowess evaluated Oracle Database on Intel Xeon-based systems and IBM Power-bases systems for TCO and cost advantages. Prowess identified cost reductions in these three areas:

  • Hardware & deployment

  • OS operating

  • Management & storage

The results highlight many key considerations you need to keep in mind when making your next purchase decision. Foremost among the competitive advantages of Oracle database on 2nd Gen Intel Xeon-based systems is the significantly lower three-year TCO. Per the results of the Prowess study, enterprises can achieve as much as 88% lower TCO for four-socket servers when using Intel-based systems compared to IBM Power-based systems. In addition, the study identified that Intel-based systems delivered:

  • Up to 11x better relative performance per TCO dollar

  • Up to 1.9 x better performance per watt

The numbers speak for themselves—Intel’s longstanding collaboration with Oracle generates significant value for Oracle DB customers. The co-innovation between Oracle and Intel provides industry standardization in configuration, integration, tuning and support—which translates to lower TCO and better performance per dollar for Oracle DB users.

We at Intel look forward to the continued customer benefits of our hard work and collaboration with Oracle, including not only Oracle DB performance value but also our optimization of Intel Optane persistent memory for Oracle software.

“Intel has worked with Oracle for more than 20 years to jointly optimize the performance and scalability of Oracle Database for mission-critical workloads. Now Oracle and Intel have deeply integrated state-of-the-art Intel Xeon and Intel persistent memory technology into Oracle Database and Oracle Exadata, as well as the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database, to deliver an order-of-magnitude faster performance and response time for your highest-value data.”

-Shasank Chavan, VP Oracle In-Memory Database Technologies

Intel-Oracle co-engineering delivers direct value to the end user in cost savings and performance—which in today’s world is a highly coveted duo. Deploying Oracle on Intel, reinforces enterprise IT’s “superhero status” and delivers a solution that satisfies both data scientists and business users alike.

Learn more about how to optimize your performance and save money by running Oracle DB on Intel based systems:

Prowess Consulting study – Oracle DB on Intel Xeon-based Systems
Oracle Database
Intel Xeon Scalable processors
Intel Optane persistent memory & SSDs

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About the Author
Jeremy Rader, General Manager, Senior Director, Digital Transformation and Scale Solutions, Data Platforms Group, is responsible for enabling business transformation by driving Analytics, AI, and HPC solutions, while driving next generation silicon requirements.