Developing Games on Intel Graphics
If you are gaming on graphics integrated in your Intel Processor, this is the place for you! Find answers to your questions or post your issues with PC games
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In what language do you develop games? Any tutorials?


I am not so bad at computers (but not a programmer yet) however i think i can learn quickly. I just need help with directions. What language should I choose? I want to code 3D game. 2D doesn't interest me, (maybe someday though) - for now I really want to create 3D RPG game like Diablo 1 but in 3D (D1 was isometric/topdown/fake 3D/2.5D, not sure though, it wasnt 2d but it wasnt 3d either, even though there were 3 dimensions visible).

Is C++ the best choice? I heard its fast. But the tutorials I found are quite old and teach how to do cmd based game.. I need to look more

5 Replies

You can start with C++. Because this one is so good for the starter. Yeah, obviously 3D code you should use. Because this is the latest one. All the best!

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if you are new to programming, you can work with visual scripting as a starting point, just to get a better understanding of the logic and flow.
UE4 (Unreal engine) has a great tool call "Blue Prints" that is node base visual scripting platform. its good mostly for prototyping but give you good and quite efficient results (not as efficient  as C++ though).
good luck.

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Before choosing which language to use I studied which was used most by industry. In early 2019 AD It looked like C++11. I did not say what language version was advertised as the best or the most compatible with theoretically maybe available future platforms, just what was being used by standard, long term, industry now. I included motherboard developers, machinery manufacturers, etc. It looked like C++11.

I found that Visual Studio C++ (all versions) was being rejected by some as too limited. I found that .NET (all versions) was being rejected by some as too limited and far too anti-secure. This is what I found. I also found a lot of advertisements proclaiming and pushing the opposite.

I then studied compilers, cost vs free, and limited vs (semi-) universal. I do not know if I am allowed to mention it here but, for "free" CODE::BLOCKS 17.12 (dump the wxWidgets part!)  seemed to be (in my humble opinion) the best (specifically version 17.12). I found that for "pay as you code and have support" Intel (in my humble opinion) seemed to be the best. Note: if I have an industrial product or a game that I want to (extremely) optimize for use on Intel CPU's, then it might seem logical to use an Intel compiler.

I found that a book The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup is very useful.

You might do well to get the book C++ Concurrency in Action Practical Multithreading by Anthony Williams .

Also, you might like the book Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, 3rd Edition ,

and (SECOND EDITION) Professional C++ by Gregoire Marc Solter, Nicholas A Kleper, Scott J Kleper ,

and (THIRD EDITION) Professional C++ by Marc Gregoire ,

and get a print version of 40 Underappreciated Game Dev Tips by Jesse Bollinger.

With C++11, I can now (one year later) produce games with individually accessible triple graphics buffering, and multi-threading of cores and threads, and all inside of C++. Stand-alone executables, with no dlls for my exe's required, executing smooth, fast, easy.

Glory to God for C++.

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LibGDX is Java-based and Unity is C# based but probably the most popular game engine at this moment. Unity Game engine is both powerful and free, which makes it ideal to use it for game development. If you don’t know, Unity is the same software used to create Pokemon Go and many other best selling mobile games! Since I am a Java developer, I have also included a LibGDX course, which is another excellent game engine for Java developers. If you are aiming for Android and iOS devices, you can also use the Corona game engine. I have also included one free course to learn game development using Corona on this list. Game development can be both fun and very rewarding when publishing a hit game to the iOS App Store or Google Play store. Still, most importantly, it also teaches you how to program, and that’s why I suggest anyone learning to code or program to start developing games. It has helped me a lot to build my coding and algorithm skills in the past and will help you as well.

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Masty__Adam, I think it all depends on your specific preferences, and what type of games would you prefer to start developing.

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