Developing Games on Intel Graphics
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Intel Iris Xe and DirectX Display Problems


I'm a software engineer who is working with a team developing a game that uses DirectX.  Because of my hardware experience I have been handed a problem that is occurring on a couple of beta testers computers.  The Preference screen drawn with DirectX shows up with just black blobs for text.  Additionally the map for the game doesn't draw, the screen is just green with the icons that go on the map sitting on the green.


We bought the same spec computer as one of the beta testers and the problem repeats there too.  All three of the computers are laptops running Windows 11 with an Nvidia GPU as well as the Intel Iris.  At least on the machine I'm testing the Intel Iris is the primary by default.  The version of the driver on the test computer I have is dated 7/11/2023.  Microsoft Update claims there is nothing newer.


I see on the Intel support site that there is something a little newer.  I tried installing that with no difference.


In testing I was able to get the graphics to draw correctly if I disabled the Intel Iris in Device Manager. The problem is definitely tied to the Intel Iris.  I have been asking the beta testers if anyone has a machine with just an Intel Iris and nothing else, but so far we haven't encountered that configuration.


The two beta testers with a laptop with the Intel Iris and Nvidia GPU are different brands with different Nvidia GPUs.  One is a Dell with a GeForce RTX 3070  Ti, and I have that same configuration here for testing.  The other is an HP with a GeForce MX570 A.  The second beta tester was in Germany.  I don't have access to that configuration, but he's seeing the same bug.


The common factor with both is the Intel Iris in a laptop with a secondary GPU.  I don't know if it's happening with a computer that only has an Intel Iris.  I have not come across anyone with that configuration.  Everyone with a desktop appears to have no problems.  At least one person using a Mac (I think a port-Intel Mac) works fine.  I tested on a 2014 Mac Mini here and it worked with the built in graphics, but that is several generations old.

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8 Replies

I verified this with a third computer.  So far three different models of computer with an Intel Iris and another video GPU reproduces the problem.  I have not found a laptop with just an Iris yet.

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Hello wdolson,

Thank you for posting in the community!

To ensure you receive the most specialized assistance, we have a dedicated forum that addresses these specific concerns. Therefore, I will be moving this discussion to our Developing Games on Intel Graphics Forum. This will allow our knowledgeable community and experts to provide you with timely and accurate solutions.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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I tried posting the same thing to the games development forum and it never showed up.  This post got flagged as spam initially, but I guess that got removed.


As long as it gets to the correct place.

I haven't figured out if it's a problem only with the Iris or if it's with the Iris and another GPU installed.  I haven't found a computer yet with just an Iris.

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Hey @wdolson thank you for reaching out and Welcome to our Intel Game Developer Support Forum!

Question, can you share the project or a homebrew code so we can reproduce the issue on our end?

We don't need access to the project itself but we do need a way to confirm the issue on the machines you mention and analyze the code.


Keep us posted! Looking forward to hear from you




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I need to discuss this with the rest of the technical team.  We might be able to cobble together a test that reproduces the problem.  I'm sure sharing the entire project on a public forum is definitely out.  This is development for a commercial product.


I posted to the others on the technical team and I'll get back to you when I have an answer.

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Hi @wdolson !

Absolutely, we don't need access to the whole code or the project itself
We just need a small project that isolates the issue.

Please keep us posted


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An update.  The guy who created the game engine wrote a couple of demo games before the game engine we're using.  It makes the same DirectX calls as the game that causes the problems.  He said he's fine with sending one of the demo games.


I need to get a hold of that code and make sure the problem happens on a computer with the Iris.  It may take a week or so.


The other option is the project manager is OK sharing the game code with you if we sign mutual NDAs. 

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Hi @wdolson 

I think it's okay to wait until you guys can share a small demo.

Due to the nature of this forum, we cannot handle NDA cases. It is quite complicated and it would delay the reproduction and triage of the issue.

After you share a way to repro, we proceed to confirm and create an internal bug report.

Otherwise I'd have to find out who can handle NDAs and redirect you there, which can take more time.

We can wait as long as you need, be sure that once you share a way for us to see the issue in our systems, report creation will take no more than a couple days

Talk to you soon




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