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crash CreateDevice on both vulkan and DirectX12, UHD770


When creating a device on both directX12 and Vulkan I have the following exception being raised by the intel drivers:


DirectX12: igd12um64xel.dll: -> D3D12CreateDevice

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFF2E55CF19 inMicrosoft C++ exception: ShaderCache::ShaderCacheFileBackedEmptyCacheFileException at memory location 0x0000000BD13CA170.

Vulkan: igvk64.dll -> vkCreateInstance

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFF2E55CF19 in 01_Transformations.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: ShaderCache::ShaderCacheFileBackedEmptyCacheFileException at memory location 0x000000D46631D340.

I might have cleaned my AppData folder in the past. Installing and uninstalling drivers doesn't seem to resolve the problem.


Model: Intel UHD770

Driver: from (11/07/2023)


What should I do?

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5 Replies

Hello Paltoquet,  


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities. I understand you are having issues with our graphics while using DirectX12 and Vulkan.

Before I continue further, I would like to confirm the following:

1. Are you working for a company? If so, what is the name?

2. Is this a personal project?

3. can you provide more details about the "device" that you are creating?

4. can you provide more details about this project?


Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

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1) I cannot disclose the name of the company I am working for.

2) It's a personal project but the same libs are used for other products.

3) On DirectX12 it crashed when enumerating all available devices on the computer

funcCreateDevice = GetProcAddress(gD3D12dll, "D3D12CreateDevice"));

IDXGIFactory6* dxgiFactory;

ID3D12Device* device = NULL;

IDXGIAdapter4* adapter = NULL;

for (UINT i = 0; DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND != dxgiFactory->EnumAdapterByGpuPreference(


    funcCreateDevice (adapter, D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_12_0, _uuidof(ID3D12Device), mDevice); 



after I hard coded i=1 and then reenabled the default behavior the crash stopped from happening.

I also have a GeForce 3080 on the computer which is tested first (i=0).

Vulkan is a bit more complex due to all the validation layers,  the application worked after running it in Vulkan Configurator, I still have an exception but the original error is gone.

I don't have time to look into it, could not find any links regarding ShaderCache::ShaderCacheFileBackedEmptyCacheFileException

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Hey @Paltoquet welcome to our Dev Support forum! Question: is there any chance that you can share a homebrew code to isolate the issue and for fast reproduction?
Hope to hear from you soon

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@Paltoquet Can you share a sample code as requested before of the problem you are dealing with?

It is difficult to understand why is behaving this way without the context and/or other definitions in the code.

I assume you cannot share the whole source due a restriction or something related.



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these are some tips you can try to resolve this problem

  1. Reinstall GPU Drivers

    • Completely uninstall your GPU drivers.
    • Download the latest drivers from the official website of your GPU manufacturer (Intel in this case) and install them.
  2. Clear Shader Cache

    • Navigate to the Shader Cache location and delete any existing cache files.
    • For DirectX12, the location might be in a folder related to your DirectX installation.
    • For Vulkan, the cache might be stored in a Vulkan-specific location on your system.
  3. Verify AppData Integrity

    • Check if there are any remnants or incomplete files in the AppData folder that might be causing the issue. If possible, restore the AppData folder from a backup.
  4. Application Debugging

    • Consider adding exception handling and logging in your application to gather more information about the exception, such as the stack trace or additional error messages.
  5. Check System Integrity

    • Run system file checker (SFC) to check and repair system files that may be corrupted.
      sfc /scannow
  6. Update Windows

    • Ensure that your Windows operating system is up-to-date with the latest updates and patches.
  7. Contact GPU Manufacturer Support

    • If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Intel support or the support forums for assistance. They might provide specific guidance based on the nature of the exception and your system configuration.
  8. Consider Third-Party Tools

    • There are third-party tools available for cleaning and optimizing system files. Be cautious when using these tools, but they may help in some cases.
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