Embedded Connectivity
Intel network controllers, Firmware, and drivers support systems
883 Discussions

Intel I210-T1 and disabling MCTP


So I was sent over here from the wired nic section folk for some reason though IMHO it has absolutely nothing to do with embedded systems. Anyways how does one disable MCTP on the I210?

I don't see a command for it here: documented here:

disabling (or ACL'ing) is recommending by Intel here: the question is how do I disable it or, if not possible, how do I ACL it on the NIC itself.

Because it keeps coming up, the MM is 921433 .. not sure why that matters.

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3 Replies

Hello, PeterTee:

Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.

Reviewing the provided MM number, it is related to the https://ark.intel.com/products/68668/Intel-Ethernet-Server-Adapter-I210-T1 Intel(R) Ethernet Server Adapter I210-T1.

Due to this fact, we suggest you address all the consultations related to this product through the https://communities.intel.com/community/tech/wired Intel Wired Ethernet Forum because this product is out of our scope of support.

We hope that this information may help you.

Best regards,


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I full agree yet Sharon, who works for Intel and has some sort of official association with that forum, sent me here, see: https://communities.intel.com/thread/120261 https://communities.intel.com/thread/120261

https://communities.intel.com/thread/120261 Intel I210-T1 and disabling MCTP |Intel Communities

Yes I am confused also.

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Hello, PeterTee:

Thanks for your reply.

It is important to let you know this is more complex than just be "turned off".

It is an integral part of the NVM flash image (it is included in the https://cdrd.intel.com/v1/dl/getcontent/513655 Intel Ethernet Controller I210 and I211- AT Production NVM Images document # 513655) and editing the multiple fields to disable it breaks the Signed aspect.

You need to access Lanconf (it is part of thehttps://cdrd.intel.com/v1/dl/getcontent/348742 Intel Network Connections Tools document # 348742) and the Dev Starter images. Then, you need to pull down pin 12 of the i210, and then write the No_Mng NVM image to the device.

The listed documents are accessible when you are logged into your Embedded Design Center (EDC) privileged account.

In case that you need to request this account by filling out the https://signin.intel.com/ContactUs EDC Account Support form.

We hope that this information may help you.

Best regards,


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