Embedded Connectivity
Intel network controllers, Firmware, and drivers support systems
879 Discussions

The network card on the issue EG20T


Could you help me ?

My downloaded

Software Utilities: Intel ® Platform Controller Hub EG20T MAC address utility for Windows XP *

Can not burn MAC address

Has always been FF: 00:00:00:00:00

IF downloaded

Software Utilities: Intel ® Platform Controller Hub EG20T MAC address of the utility forDOS *

Execution will occur into the DOS

Causeway error 07 : Unable to control a20.

How can we burn MAC address??

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1 Reply
Valued Contributor I


I want to make you aware of a support resource you will probably find useful. The Intel® e-Help desk is staffed by Intel representatives who support select Intel embedded platforms including Intel® Atom™ and associated chipsets.

To access e-Help, you need to be a Privileged member of the Intel® Embedded Community. If you are not already a Privileged member, you can request an upgrade to your community account here:

https://edc.intel.com/My-Account.aspx https://edc.intel.com/My-Account.aspx

In addition to access to e-Help, Prvileged members may also access the confidential content within the Intel® Embedded Design Center, such as design documents, specifications, and training materials.

I hope this helps.


J. Felix McNulty

Community Moderator (Intel contractor)
