Embedded Intel Atom® Processors
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800x480 LVDS driver WIN7 using Intel System Controller Hub US15WP


Hi everyone my first post and first steps into Windows embedded. Currently working on development of a project using an Atom Z530 SBC with Intel System Controller Hub US15WP on board graphics. The device has a 7" monitor (800x480 WVGA) and USB touch screen and our development platform was a WIN7 enterprise OS for development we are testing our application software and have an issue with the screen and driver. the screen is a Chi Mei G070Y2-L01. We have had BIOS amendment to run the screen and works great at 800x600 the lowest RES supported by WIN7.

The issue is this doesnt show the application software properly with critical elements falling off the screen. Screen is fine until the 800x480 driver i found boots then gets all washed out.

Is this a timing issue? (see the difference between the BIOS boot screen and the windows loaded screen below)

I have downloaded IEGD 10.4 GOLD but this only has XP as an option not WES7 or WIN7 can anyone help me get a working driver for both the current evaluation unit and the eventual WES7 build?

I am based in the UK but if anyone can offer advice or support i would appreciate it.

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7 Replies

Ah well i fixed it. But any help on how to now embed the OS for the solution would be great.

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Valued Contributor I


What do you mean by "how to embed the OS ?"

Also I want to make you aware of a support resource you will probably find useful. The Intel® e-Help desk is staffed by Intel representatives who support select Intel embedded platforms including Intel® Atom™ and associated chipsets.

To access e-Help, you need to be a Privileged member of the Intel® Embedded Community.

If you are not already a Privileged member, you can request an upgrade to your community account here:

https://edc.intel.com/My-Account.aspx https://edc.intel.com/My-Account.aspx

In addition to access to e-Help, Prvileged members may also access the confidential content within the Intel® Embedded Design Center, such as design documents, specifications, and training materials.

I hope this helps.


J. Felix McNulty

Community Moderator (Intel contractor)

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By embed the OS i mean create a WES7 image for the OS.

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I have a few recommendations-

1. XP drivers are normally able to operate on Win7 in XPDM mode. That means you do not get an Aero fatures but the US15W is not recommended for Aero anyway. This is normally how I run US15w with Win7.

2. We do offer a Windows 7 specific driver but you might need to look around for it on the EDC downloads.

3. We have started to shift our embedded Atom focus to the Intel(r) EMGD graphics driver. It has a few advantages on Atom over IEGD.

4. For help to "embed" WES7, your best resource is going to be the source of the operating system. Our drivers are designed to be made available in the Embedded OS build catalogs. Some details can be found in the EMGD (or IEGD) User's Guide, but primarily Microsoft and MSDN will be your best source of information on how to use the embeddeding capabilites of their O/S.

Hope this help!

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Hi Kirk it was EMGD that held the answer.is there any documentation on how to interpret manufacturesers data sheets for monitors with timing data etc to EMGD?

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I am glad EMGD worked for you.

As for the LVDS specs, we deal with that issue constantly. I have come to the opinion that LCD manufacturers do not want you to know how to use their products.


We designed CED (the EMGD Configuration EDitor) to be as flexible as possible when creating a "custom DTD" for a panel. We provide numerous ways to enter data into CED for the panel timing where we have tried to reflect all of the various ways we have seen the panel data provided when we could get it. That includes all the way down to accepting the mode line. What complicates it is that all the panel manufactureres seem to use different terms for the different details (and we have tried to comprehend that in CED). You sort of just need to look at the info you have and see where it matches up to the explainations we provide in CED and the User's Guide and give it a go. The other thing you could do is to contact the panel manufacturer and ASK them to provide the info. The Modeline may be the best thing to ask for there.

The other thing that could get you going is to set up a "simple parameters" with eh Horizontal, vertical and refresh and let CED take a try at the parameters.

Also, another thing to keep in mind is that you may need to set up our T1 through T5 sequencing timing as the CHi Mei panels seem most sensitive to those values. Keep in mind you also need to match up OUR definition with the manufacturers as me use the most common definitions for those values whereas some manufactures define THEIR T1 through T5 (or T6) differently.

Good luck.


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Hi Kirk I know what you mean I am sure the T1-T5 info is in here somewhere just trying to find what is what, is the issue,, The values EMGD put in seem to work well but it would be good to know what they are supposed to be not sure if CMI are intentionaly difficult but we had to get the BIOS rewritten to get any sort of display out the unit (I suspect this was changing the timing data but i was just sent an update for the baord).

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