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Dear experts,
I wouild like to interface an I2S type 24-bit DAC, Texas Instruments (Burr-Brown) PCM1792A to the Galileo board.
As I need the SCK rate of 49.152 MHz it seems to me that the only serial type port for my application is the SDIO
interface. In addition to the SCK = SDIO CLK I need the three I2S signals as follows:
BCK = SDIO DAT1, 192000 x 24 = 4.608 MHz
RLCK = SDIO DAT2, 192 kHz
Is this the way to go or do you have better ideas.
I want to keep the components count at the minimum and I would like to use the DMA trsansfer.
The device driver should manipulate the DAT1 and DAT2 in such a way thet the properly timed
BCL and RLCK are generated.
Please comment and advice!
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Hello, Sin. Upon escalating your questions, we now will have our technical expert, Adam, contact you to help you with your project. Have a great day! Lynn
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Hello. Thanks for visiting the Embedded Community. We'll get back with you shortly with a response. LynnZ.
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Hello Sin,
There is no provision for I2S on the Galileo. In addition, we do not have data for re-purposing SDIO for the hardware interface you've specified.
Best Regards,
Casey H.
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Hello Casey,
I know that there is no provision for I2S on the Quark processor.
But I need one and therefore I would like to use the SDIO port to emulate I2S as
I sketched in the original mail.
My first subproblem is to generate the 49.152 MHz SCK for my PCM1792A audio DAC.
Can I get this clock out from the Quark chip by scaling the internal clocks on the chip?
The best that I could figure out so far is to replace the 25 MHz processor crystal by a
24.576 MHz crystal and then the SDIO SCK would be just right for me. Would this
harm the PCIe operation?
The actulal I2S signals ADATA, RLCK and BCK I am planning to implement
using SDIO pins D0, D1, and D2. This means that I have to manipulate the
data to those outputs so that it looks like what the I2S specification requires.
Got the idea? I am ready to write the driver for this and there I would like to
use the DMA to do the actual transfer from my buffer area to thew SDIO/I2S
port. I have not yet studied the Quark clock signal generation capabilities in
detail and neither have I calculated the driver CPU loading but it seems to
me that the loading, especially with DMA would be reasonable.
Please comment!
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Hi Sin,
o I have carefully read this case. And I don't suggest you to replace the 25 MHz processor crystal by a 24.576 MHz crystal. The clock of the PCIe is 100MHz followed PCIe specification, so if you do that, the PCIe operation maybe does not work normally.
o And as Casey said, the Quark processor does not provide provision for I2S, if you want to use the SDIO port to emulate I2S, we cannot guarantee the stability of the signal.
My advice to you is don't design the board at first, try to do some experiments to validate the feasibility on the Galileo board of the above two points.
o And if you have access to IBL, you could refer to document ID: 516704, Chapter 8, page 108.
Best regards,
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Thank you for your constructive help WilliamC!
And yes, I was planning to experiment with the Galileo board and a PCIe device
to see if if the lowered clocc rate is really a problem there. My only PCIe device
will be the Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6502. If it works properly and reliably with
Galileo at the 1.7 percent underclocking I will proceed to prototype with my own
I2S audio DAC board. I will also study if the 49.152 MHz clock could be synthsized
within the Quark from the 25 MHz main processor clock (which I doubt). Finally
I will try to operate my DAC with the 50 MHz SCK. It is used within the DAC to
clock the digital filters so I think the performance of the DAC may be compromized
if the clock is not a multiple of the data rate...
Does anybody know a board similar to Galileo which would have both the PCIe
and the I2S?
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Hi Sin,
As far as I know there is no board similar to Galileo which has the I2S.
So maybe you also could try to find another equipment to instead of PCM1792A, and adapt to the Galileo board.
Good luck!
Best regards,
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Casey (chaas) and I have to agree with William C. We're not aware of another board that supports both I2S and PCI. Sorry.
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Let me state my idea a little bit more clearly.
I would like to connect the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 to the Galileo board with the PCIe.
I would like to use the Linux/Android drivers with it.
As my application is an embedded one I will NOT need any other PCIe clients.
Then I want to connect a standard I2S type DAC to the Galileo board.
As I need the 49.152 MHz system clock I want to replace the 25 MHz master crystal
on the Galileo board by the same mechanical size 24.576 MHz crystal
My SDIO SCLK is then just right for the DAC.
In addition I need the 12.288 MHz BCL bit clock and the 192 kHz RLCL
right-left channel clocks for my DAC.
For the BCL I am planning to use the (scaled) SPI clock and for the
output data the MOSI signal. The 192 kHz RLCK should be possible to
generate with a GPIO PWM pin or with a legacy timer output in the toggle mode.
Could this possibly work?
And if not, why not?
I would really want to see the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260
block diagram and even more the schematics!
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Hello again Sin,
We are looking into your request for information on the Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260.
With regard to your ideas on changing the crystal, this is not something we have validated, and therefore we are unable to provide additional guidance for you. One suggestion is to try posting your question in the https://communities.intel.com/community/makers Maker community for assistance from others that may have experience doing the same.
Best Regards,
Casey H.
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Thank you for your helpful add prompt reply Casey H.,
The Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 information would be most welcome.
I mainly want to check how the clocking of the different blocks is organized to
see if my idea has any chance to work in practice.
I already found a replacement crystal from Mouser and my plan is to get
two Galileo boards, one as reference and the other for modifications.
I fully understand that working outside of the specification is my own responsibility
and I can accept it since I am now working with a proof-of-concept rather than
with a serious prototype. Quark would - in many ways - be the ideal chip for my
project so I am willing to do my hacking.
I wonder if there are Quark versions with a high speed (50 Mbit/s) synchronous
serial port on the Intel road maps? I have successfully used two TI McBSPs as
such with the I2S protocol running in one of them and the other just generating
the 49.152 MHz SCL.
I will now also contact the Maker community for additional advice,
Best Regards,
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Hi Sin,
I am sure Casey will help providing the information for Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260,
The information we got so far for the next gen is not detailed enough to sepcify the speed of the UART controller, but If I am not mistaken, the next gen Quark SOC will include an I2S for audio purpose, I am not sure that is going to help.
Best Regards
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Dear Stephen,
As the I2S is a synchronous serial interface I wonder how it will be related to the UART controller.
For my decisions it would be really important to get an idea about when the Quark SOC with the
I2S interface can be expected and what will be the maximum bit rate of it. I basically need a
bit rate of 2 x 32 x 192000 = 12.288 Mbit/s. This is the rate of the I2S BCL. As the system clock
should be four (or two) tines the bit rate I would also need that 49.152 MHz output from the SOC.
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Hello Sin,
We've been able to confirm that neither the block diagram nor the schematics for the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 are available for distribution.
Best Regards,
Casey H.
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Sin, would you like me to have an Intel representative who covers your geographical area contact you?
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Hello LynnZ,
I would really like to have an Intel representative to contact me. You know that my questions at this time are rather technical so the best contact might be an engineer with experience in hardware, signalling and low-level programming.
Meanwhile do you think that the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 would work properly if the PCIe clock from the Galileo board would be 98.304 MHz instead of 100 MHz. This is my one and only PCIe device and this is why I am interested in the block diagram and the schematic diagram. As I am now working with a proof-of-consept only, violating the strict specification is not my main consern as long as my installation works. I will design the I2S based audio board myself so my last resort is to generate the I2S clocking locally on my board from a separate crystal.
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Hello, Sin. Per your request, I have escalated your information along with a link to this discussion to Justyna. You should be contacted shortly to discuss your technical questions and your project. LynnZ
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Hello, Sin. Upon escalating your questions, we now will have our technical expert, Adam, contact you to help you with your project. Have a great day! Lynn
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Thank you very much LynnZ!
I just had an excellent discussion with Adam and it seems that we see the problems and possible solutions pretty much the same way. I can now kick off my proof-of-consept project with a little help from Adam...
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Was a solution ever found to this?
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Hello kdubious,
Thank you for contacting the Intel Embedded Community.
It is important to let you know that your Galileo consultations should be addressed to the https://communities.intel.com/community/makers/galileo Galileo Forum; and your Wireless Network Interface Card (NIC) questions to the https://communities.intel.com/community/tech/wireless Wireless Networking Forum.
We hope that this information is useful to you.
Best Regards,

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