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Intel(R) PROSet Adapter Configuration Utility with X550T1 Ethernet Adapter



I am using an Intel network adapter X550T1 in my PC and
connect it via 5m Cat7 cable to the 10Gb port of my Netgear MS510TX

I get with the Intel(R) PROSet Adapter Configuration Utility the
file attached, which I don't think makes any sense.

Is this a bug or where should I look if I want to fix
the indicated cable problem ?

Achim Walter

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34 Replies

Hello apollo567,


Thank you so much for the quick reply. We did try to identify the OEM of the card so that we are also going to direct you to them for further support, however the lack of markings in the card did not help us to validate any markings to identify the OEM manufacturer. That is why it is best to contact the reseller first since they know the supplier of the card. We hope you understand.


If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos



as mentioned I bought the Ethernet Adapter used.

Now I found out the Original source from the initial buyer, unfortunately no direct link to the manufacturer, but I thought I share the information for reference:

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Hello apollo567,


Thank you so much for sharing the link, you may want to contact the seller also and try to ask the OEM's maker so that you can contact them directly. We are very sorry because of the lack of markings on the card, we are having a hard time identifying the source of the card and each OEM maker also have different format of markings that only them can identify.


If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello apollo567,


I hope you're having a wonderful day. I am just checking that you are now talking to your reseller to identify the OEM manufacturer. Kindly check with them further for you to to know and contact the manufacturer for assistance.


If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello apollo567,


I hope this message finds you well. I am just posting another message hoping that you are now talking to the manufacturer of the card for further assistance.

Since we have not heard back from you, I need to close this inquiry. 

If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Thank you and stay safe.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Michael,


thank you so much for holding track on this topic.

I wrote an email via ebay to the seller of this item (to the initial buyer , as I bought it used from him).
But unfortunately I haven't heard back from him, who was the manufacturer.

Kind regards




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Hello apollo567,


Thank you for the update. I am sorry to hear that the reseller still cannot identify the OEM. On our side, we will try to check the card again and validate the markings again. However, please be reminded that there is no guarantee. Please give us 2 to 3 working days to provide an update.

Thank you and stay safe.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello apollo567,


Thank you for patiently waiting for our update. Upon further checking and verification of the adapter markings, we regret to inform you that it was found out that the adapter is not an OEM but a counterfeit one. Here are what we noticed:


  • The manufacture date on one side does not match the label on the other side.
  • No Yottamark
  • MM# 940133 is not a valid product
  • and the PBA number is wrong for the card. PBA H86377-005 is not for X550-T1.


Unfortunately, we may not be able to provide troubleshooting assistance because it is a counterfeit adapter and will not work as intended as original adapter or OEM one.


If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Michael,


many Thx for your answer. I struggle somewhat to understand, counterfeit in which respect.

I understand given your validation it is not an Original Intel adapter.

What do you exactly means with OEM (what I understand  an other manfaturer uses Intel chips to build its own Network adapter card.) and how do you define counterfeit in this respect ? Is it somebody using any hardware and is labeling as intel chip ?

At least after some Test I got network speeds from SSD to NAS-Server over a 10 GB Network of 400 to 600 Mbyte/s. So there is definitly a 10 GB Connect there (stated also by the Monitoring tool of the Netgear switch). Therefore I doubt at least that there is not appropriate Network chip there. Is there a software Tool available which can check if it is at least a genuine Intel Network chip built in the adapter card ?

Remember my initial problem was an not proper working Network Card which failed to synchronize a 5Gbit network connection with my switch and the mentioned Software Error I supposed. For the first problem I was searching for a firmware update. After upgrading my switch with a second 10 GBit Port I have two working 10 GBit Connects with those two Network Cards.

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Hello apollo567,


Thank you so much for the understanding and I am sorry if you have some confusion. Let me try to explain. Yes, OEM is other Ethernet card manufacturer are buying Intel Ethernet chip from us and create/manufacture an Ethernet card under their name. Or Intel Ethernet chip embedded on a motherboard is also considered as an OEM product. These cards have custom settings and feature because OEM manufacturer can alter them base on the design.

Counterfeit on the other hand is what we call Fake. Its either they are using Intel chip from other board and use it on their card or the Chip inside are totally different model and they just edit properties for them to sell it on a higher price. These are just samples on how they create counterfeit products.

Moving forward, it is best to coordinate this issue with your reseller if you can still get a refund. As much as we want to assist you, I am sorry since the card is verified as counterfeit, we don't have further support for this product because we are not aware on the components/settings of the card.


If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello apollo567,


I hope you're having a good day. I just want to check if you still have clarifications and hopefully you are now in contact your reseller regarding this unit.


If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello apollo567,


I hope this message finds you well. I am just sending another follow up to to check if you are now talking to the reseller for further assistance. Since we have not heard back from you, I need to close this inquiry. 

If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Thank you and stay safe.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

mayn thx for asking, haven't heard from the reseller yet.

0 Kudos

Hello apollo567,


I am sorry to hear that. However, as much as we want to assist you, it is best to continue coordinating with your reseller for further assistance. As for this thread, we really need to close this one. We apologize for the inconvenience and we hope you understand.

If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Thank you and stay safe.


Best regards,

Michael L.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

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