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X710-T2L NVM update failed to 9.40


Hey, we have 10 servers and each server has 2 piece of X710-T2L nics. Only 1 of them failed while nvm update and now i get any connection or 100mbps max speed connection. Sometimes nic recognise if there is a connection sometimes not. No 10G speeds. To try nvm updates again i put it on my old PC. I tried reinstalling 9.40 and 9.50 tried revert back to 7.20&9.10. I just need to get 9.40 update.

I used these links to download

In attachment you can find SSU report, label and connection speed tab

reapplying update 9.50 to 9.50 

Num Description                          Ver.(hex)  DevId S:B    Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter   9.80(9.50)   15FF 00:002 Update
    X710-T2L                                                     available

Options: Adapter Index List (comma-separated), [A]ll, e[X]it
Enter selection: 1
Would you like to back up the NVM images? [Y]es/[N]o: n
Update in progress. This operation may take several minutes.

Num Description                          Ver.(hex)  DevId S:B    Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter   9.80(9.50)   15FF 00:002 Update failed

Tool execution completed with the following status: An error occurred when updating a firmware module.
Press any key to exit.


reverting back 9.50 to 9.10

Num Description                          Ver.(hex)  DevId S:B    Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter     N/A(N/A)   15FF 00:002 Update
    X710-T2L                                                     available

Options: Adapter Index List (comma-separated), [A]ll, e[X]it
Enter selection: 1
Would you like to back up the NVM images? [Y]es/[N]o: n
Update in progress. This operation may take several minutes.

Num Description                          Ver.(hex)  DevId S:B    Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter     N/A(N/A)   15FF 00:002 Update
    X710-T2L                                                     successful

Tool execution completed with the following status: The tool cannot find the correct preservation rules in the NVM on the device. User settings cannot be preserved with this update. To update the NVM, overwrite the user settings by using the '-rd' switch to skip setting preservation.
Press any key to exit.

 reverting back 9.50 to 9.10 with -rd 

Num Description                          Ver.(hex)  DevId S:B    Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter   9.80(9.50)   15FF 00:002 Update
    X710-T2L                                                     available

Options: Adapter Index List (comma-separated), [A]ll, e[X]it
Enter selection: 1
Would you like to back up the NVM images? [Y]es/[N]o: n
Update in progress. This operation may take several minutes.

Num Description                          Ver.(hex)  DevId S:B    Status
=== ================================== ============ ===== ====== ==============
01) Intel(R) Ethernet Network Adapter   9.16(9.10)   15FF 00:002 Update failed

Tool execution completed with the following status: An error occurred when updating a firmware module.
Press any key to exit.


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1 Reply

Any suggestion?

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