Ethernet Products
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intel 82599 loss packets


The intel 82599 NIC connected server(windows server 2008) via FCoE.When I runned read IO,it is work properly .But When I write IO with block size 1M,it will loss packets.

ethtool -S eth5 statistic shows:


rx_missed_errors: 0

tx_flow_control_xon: 0

rx_flow_control_xon: 26004

tx_flow_control_xoff: 0

rx_flow_control_xoff: 26004

The flow control works properly and no packets dropped.


rx_missed_errors: 62295

tx_flow_control_xon: 272

rx_flow_control_xon: 0

tx_flow_control_xoff: 344

rx_flow_control_xoff: 0

The flow control seems does not work properly and many packets droppeed. Is the link partner not honoring the flow control packets!

windows server 2008 FCoE configuration box:

DCBx Version:IEEE 802.1Qaz

Priority Group:Feature not present in peer TLV

Priority Flow Control:Operational

FCoE Status:Feature not present in peer TLV

Why is there differerent between read and wirte in the same environment?

What is the meanning of "tx_flow_control_xon"?

Appreciate your answer

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