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FIR Compiler v9.1 simulation trouble

Honored Contributor II

I'm currently tasked with FPGA design on an Altera EP3C25F256I7N part. we're considering buying a license for the Megafunction FIR Complier v9.1. I'm trying to evaluate the performance of this module but haven't been able to simulate with ModelSim. Is this expected? If we purchase a license will we be able to simulate with ModelSim then? 


Here is what I'm seeing. I'm working with Quartus II Version 9.1 Web Edition with Service Pack 2 installed. 


If I enable simulation with my project by navigating Quartus to Assignments->EDA Tool Settings…->Simulation and set Tool name: to ModelSim-Altera. Once I compile my project, at the EDA Netlist Writer task, errors result. I've entered example text below. If the above mentioned setting is set to "none" my project compiles fine. I can program a target via JTAG and see that it seems to be working.  


Error: Can't generate net list output file because the file "Z:/Documents/Li7800 Development/Li6800_fir_test/megafunction/fir_complier-library/mr_accum_wr.v" is an OpenCore Plus time-limited file 



Many more like the error above 



Error: Can't generate net list output file because the license for encrypted file "Z:/Documents/Li7800 Development/Li6800_fir_test/megafunction/fir_complier-library/mr_accum_wr.v" is not available 



Many more like the error above 



Has anyone used the Megafunction FIR compiler v9.1 and been able to simulate with it? Thanks in advance for your help.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

you can simulate the IP itself without a license by following the instructions in the User Guide. you will not be able to run EDA Netlist Writer to create a gate level netlist for simulation without purchasing the IP

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