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6544 Discussions

Generation of PLL Reconfiguration MIF files

Honored Contributor II



I'm currently porting an existing project from Stratix 3 to Cyclone 5. The project reconfigures one of the PLL's with any of 25 different frequencies from the NIOS, the parameters of which were derived from MIF files output from the PLL Mega Wizard. In the past we tediously ran the Mega Wizard 25 times and input the desired frequencies and generated the output files. 


I'm wondering this time 'round whether there was any way to generate the output programmatically via a command-line program/script/etc? I notice a PLL_CMD.EXE in the bin directory - is that related? I really don't want to spend a few hours generating all the MIF files, only to discover that one of my base parameters needs changing and I need to do it all over! A simple batch/script file would be much nicer. 




[edit] I notice in pll_hw_extra.tcl there is a proc called generate_mif_file which appears to do the trick. However I don't know enough about tcl to be able to extract the relevant sections and/or execute in the correct context.
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Honored Contributor II


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I'm currently porting an existing project from Stratix 3 to Cyclone 5. The project reconfigures one of the PLL's with any of 25 different frequencies from the NIOS, the parameters of which were derived from MIF files output from the PLL Mega Wizard. In the past we tediously ran the Mega Wizard 25 times and input the desired frequencies and generated the output files. 


I'm wondering this time 'round whether there was any way to generate the output programmatically via a command-line program/script/etc? I notice a PLL_CMD.EXE in the bin directory - is that related? I really don't want to spend a few hours generating all the MIF files, only to discover that one of my base parameters needs changing and I need to do it all over! A simple batch/script file would be much nicer. 




[edit] I notice in pll_hw_extra.tcl there is a proc called generate_mif_file which appears to do the trick. However I don't know enough about tcl to be able to extract the relevant sections and/or execute in the correct context. 

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Did anyone answer this? I'm attempting to do something similar - would like to use the pll reconfiguration at run time to generate legal PLL parameters from a given set of inputs, ref clk, config, etc... as if running the wizard to get all of the advanced parameters. 



Jon Herr
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