FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

Licensing Troubles

Honored Contributor II



we have a problem here or some misunderstanding on the Altera Licensing concept: We have used the CRC Compiler in a design and now we cannot generate programming files because of the license missing. 


When opening up the License Setup Dialog I see the license type to be "Full Version", expiration 2011.10, Host ID NIC and I see a bunch of licensed Megacore Functions but the CRC Compiler is not included. 


I am quite confused, hopefully someone can answer me these questions: 


- What kind of license do we need to generate programming files with the CRC Compiler? 

- Where do we obtain that license and how much will it cost (just an estimation)? 

- Does obtaining such a license take as long time as obtaining the full license (3 weeks)? Because we simply do not have three weeks in our situation. 

- How can I avoid using restricted Megacore functions? FPGA primitives such as DDR or BRAM elements do not need a license, I did not see a real difference in the MegaWizard plugin manager between such a function and the CRC compiler. 



Really, I am a bit p***ed off at the moment, we paid 4k dollars for that full license and now there are still troubles with it. 


Best regards, 

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Did you actually buy a licence for this? (Altera order code: IP-CRC). 

A saw a € 1500,- tag at EBV. 

If you do not need the ultimate speed you can find alternatives->  


easics (http://www.easics.com/webtools/crctool

and others ...
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Honored Contributor II

Uh oh, so it looks like we had a misunderstanding on the licensing concept. We really need NIOS 2 and the TSE_MAC and as I understand it now this will cost extra (and furthermore take time to obtain the license that we do not have). 


Best regards, 

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Honored Contributor II

The smallest NIOS CPU is free if you have a recent version of Quartus, and there is an opensource alternative to the TSE mac on Opencores. Have a look at this thread (http://www.alteraforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21005)

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