FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP
6394 Discussions

Megacore functions in DSP Builder not working

Honored Contributor II

Hello, I'm having problems using the MegaCore functions with Matlab's Simulink. All the other blocksets work but when I try to use MegaCore functions under the Altera DSP Builder Blockset the block appears grayed out and it gives me an error when I double-click it: 


error evaluating 'openfcn' callback of megacore alterablockset block (mask)'untitled/fir_compiler_v3_3_0' 

error using ==> textscan 

first input can not be empty. 


The software that's availiable to me is Quartus II 7.2 and Matlab R2007a (7.4.0) 


Also if I try to use a Video and Image Processing block I get a different error: 


unable to locate scaler v7.2 in the ip librarian. 

please ensure the entity is available on the quartus global search path 


Is this the reason why my MegaCore functions are not working correctly either? How can edit the Quartus Search Path and what path would I need to include? Any help would be appreciated it.
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Did you also install the MegaCore IP Libraries?

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Honored Contributor II

No I did not, is this a separate executable like DSP builder?

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Honored Contributor II

Yes. You would have to install MegaCore IP Libraries first. After that install DSP Builder. Only then will DSP Builder pick up all the megacores.

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Honored Contributor II

OK, so this is the full story for future readers of this thread. 


For versions prior to version 8.0 of the Quartus tools design suite. 

To be able to install DSP Builder you need to install the following first. 


Quartus II Tools. 

MegaCore IP Libraires. 

ModelSim-AE (if you wish to use ModelSim from within the DSP Builder environment). 

MathWorks Matlab tool (compatible release version of tools) 

Simulink Tools 


then you can install the DSP Builder tools. 


For version 8.0 Altera tools and moving forward through ?? unknown version; 

Quartus II and the MegaWizard IP libraires are installed at the same time. 

All the rest of the above info remainds valid. 


I hope this helps. 


You also need to have a valid License extension for the DSP Builder tools. 

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